Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Cute Grandkid

grandkidAfter visiting their son and family in La Pine, Oregon Lynn and Thomas Pratt think that their 6-month old granddaughter, Orianthi Raylynn is as cute as they get. She is adorable, as you can see, with sparkling eyes and an incredible smile.   She is one happy little girl and we are looking forward to our next visit!  Her daddy lived in Ventura before relocating to Oregon.

Do you have a grandkid that you think is even cuter? If so send their photo to [email protected]

At-risk students given a second chance

youth vista real - CopyFoto:  Keynote speaker Maureen Shea, with student speaker and graduate Jannini Lopez, shared a moment at the Vista Real ceremony.

On Thursday, June 25, Vista Real Charter High School held their Graduation Ceremony at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center.

This year, Vista Real graduated over 100 students through its independent study program throughout Ventura County. Many of these students, who found themselves “at-risk” at one point or another, were given a second chance at education.

The graduation speakers — Kevin Cogen, Enrique Hernandez, Jannini  Lopez and Esteban Gomez — all shared personal obstacles they had overcome and how Vista Real teachers helped them to achieve a high school diploma.

The keynote speaker was the notable boxer, Maureen Shea (the current International Boxing Association Featherweight Champion) who shared with the students that “life isn’t going to be easy, but you have to believe that you’re going to get ahead and get through whatever obstacles life throws at you.”

Vista Real is a non-profit accredited high school program that includes job training and wrap around services. Its goal is to help the students who are not currently enrolled or engaged in school to get back on track and graduate high school.  It does this by giving students a flexible schedule, personalized learning and Career Technical Education (CTE) experience, so they can graduate high school with confidence and job skills.

As stated by graduate Esteban Gomez, “It’s a place where teachers get to know their students and adapt to their learning methods.” These graduates are now ready to move forward and in the words of student speaker Kevin Cogen, now starts “the beginning of another adventure.”

In Ventura, Vista Real Charter High School is located at 5100 Telegraph Rd.They can reached at (877) 360-5327.