Category Archives: Featured News

The girls constantly cheered, consoled and encouraged each other

youth Ventura StealersTop row Coach Nick Garcia, Coach Mike More, Katelyn Kelley, Sierra Garcia, Jessica Mendoza, Abigail Sourwine, Kalyssa Muniz, Kelly More, Coach Jere Dietz.
bottom row Jamie Dietz, Jaymes Howard, Rylee Mcdaniel, Courtney Terrazas, Katherine Tafoya, Coach Patrick Tafoya. Not show Jocelyn Hernandez.

Ventura Stealers traveled to Seattle Washington July 15-18 for the NSA Western World Series and played in the 14 Division, games were played in the cities of Marysville and Monroe Washington.

In the  14 Division there were a total of 12 teams, during the days of the double elimination tournament the Ventura Stealers played a total of 9 games scoring a total of 86 runs and giving up 49, in pool play their record was 1-1 and in bracket play their record was 6-1 finishing with a combined record of 7-2.

The Ventura Stealers playing in their fourth game of the day, defeated the Washington Snohomish County Red  6-4 in the Championship Game completing a fantastic tournament in first place and becoming the 2015 NSA Western World Series Champions.

Teams that participated in the tournament were from Washington, Oregon, Northern and Southern California.

During the final day of the tournament the Ventura Stealers were one game away from being eliminated, during each game together as a team the girls played through bumps, bruises, errors, tears, sad times and happy times. The girls constantly cheered, consoled one another, encouraged each other, and every girl participated and contributed to each win.


Congratulations to Ventura Water customers!

Congratulations to our customers!
Shana Epstein,
Ventura Water General Manager

Ventura Water congratulates all our customers; we are extremely grateful. New figures show that customer water use was down 39 percent last month (July) compared to July 2013, allowing Ventura Water for the first time to reach our 20 percent annual water reduction goal for the year so far! The exact year-to-date reduction in water use by customers as of the end of July was 20.79 percent.

As the City and the State experience one of the most severe droughts on record, the customers of Ventura have proven that they have the ingenuity and commitment to meet the challenges of conserving water. We have all come a long way since September of 2014, when Ventura declared a Stage 3 Water Shortage Emergency requiring customers to reduce water use by 20 percent.

During the months of May, June and July this year, Ventura Water customers have reduced their water use significantly, establishing what we hope is a continuing trend. May 2015 saw a 28 percent water use decrease compared to May 2013, June saw a 41 percent decrease from June 2013, and July’s decrease was 39 percent compared to July 2013. It is important to note that we conserve the most during the warmer months! We need to continue our efforts through the fall and into the winter! We aren’t in the clear yet!

Ventura Water has instituted several mandatory water conservation measures for our customers. They include: sprinkler irrigation systems may run only two days per week between the hours of 6 p.m. to 9 a.m.; handheld hoses used to wash cars must have a shutoff nozzle; fountains must use recycled water; and hosing down hard surfaces like driveways or sidewalks is not allowed.

Ventura Water offers free water conservation aids and on-site residential water surveys to help our customers save water. Please contact Customer Care at [email protected] or call 667-6500 to schedule a water survey.


Ventura firefighters respond to rescue trapped motorists in vehicle

On August 20, at 8:40pm residents in the 100 block of Via Baja were startled when a vehicle tumbled from the roadway 20 feet above their home and landed in their back yard. Ventura City firefighters arrived on scene to find a severely damaged vehicle with two elderly adults trapped inside. Firefighters worked quickly to stabilize the vehicle and begin extricating the injured passengers. Utilizing hydraulic powered cutting and spreading tools, firefighters were able to free the trapped people from the vehicle. Both passengers were transported to a local trauma center with moderate to severe injuries.

The cause of the accident remains under investigation by the Ventura Police Department. No rescue personnel were injured as a result of this incident.

Wave your geek flag at Central Coast Comic Con August 28-30

event comic conThe goal of Comic Con is to provide a weekend fully packed of family fun.

The Superheroes, Super villains, gamers, anime fans, fan boys, jocks, costumers, and everyone in between are coming back to wave their geek flag at the Central Coast Comic Con August 28 – 30. The new signature end of summer event is returning to the Ventura County fairgrounds for its third exciting year. The con has something for everyone as there are cosplay competitions, stars signing autographs, activities for kids, and stalls selling everything from merch, Nendoroid Figures, rare comic books, and other collectibles. Be sure to bring your wallet!

The history of this area and the fairgrounds itself makes it easy to bring in stars of movies, comics, TV and the Internet to help in this charity awareness event. This year the event is bringing stars like Sid Haig, Michael Jai White, Doug Jones, cast members from American Horror Story, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sons of Anarchy, Supernatural and many other popular shows. Plus Creators like Bob Layton, local comic legend, Howard Chaykin, Brian Pulido, Marvel comics legend, Allen Bellman and a mix of upcoming writers and artists.

Each year local artists have this avenue to display and offer their wares for all to see. Using websites like to help customize their products for fans of the shows and movies that have captured their hearts. From artist to authors to movie stars, each has joined in to meet their fans and make dreams come true. Popular culture vendors and talented musicians are available to add to the excitement of each of the days.

Sunday has always been dedicated as “Kids Day” with Costume Parades, the joy of Disney Princess shows for the princess in your life and Wrestling and Power Rangers, for that warrior in your family. Children/young adults 10 and under are free with a paid adult ticket all weekend long. Discounts are available at the gate for all of our local military members as a means to say thank you.

Central Coast Comic Con (C4) is the accomplishment of a long time goal to return to the community that we grew up in. The company behind the popular culture convention, WTF Events INC, is working to become a reliable resource for youth groups, disadvantage families and activists towards the artists and creators of the future. Their motto is “Community first”. They work with charity and community groups like the Coalition and Big Brothers Big Sisters to change lives and better our community by bringing awareness to the many issues of our youth such as anti bullying, reading and art programs in addition to kids charities. These cars will provide a special ride for that child in the hospital or a ride for the youth in a local parade and so much more!

Visit and see just what C4 has to offer for our community and its members.

For more information about the event please see their ad in this issue or go to

Breeze: Our own Jaime Baker will be there selling his original artwork and some prints of his artwork, along with doing his wonderful custom caricatures. Be sure to hi for us.

First Veterans Transitional Housing opens in Ventura

stuff turning pointPhoto by Bernie Goldstein
Government, veteran, business representatives and Turning Point staff surround Congresswoman Julia Brownley.

Turning Point Foundation has opened the first Veterans Transitional Housing facility on the central coast. On August 5th Congresswoman Julia Brownley cut the ribbon at the grand opening. The Veterans Transitional Housing facility is located at 43 E. Vince St. in Ventura.

Based on 27 years of experience, Turning Point Foundation identified a tremendous need for supported transitional housing for veterans suffering from mental illness that are homeless to address their particular barriers to success. The goals of the program include obtaining residential stability for mentally ill veterans that are homeless through supported transitional and permanent housing, increasing life skills and income stability, and obtaining self-determination by sustaining a personal Wellness and Recovery Action Plan.

Turning Point’s primary means of engagement with potential veteran clients is the organization’s Our Place Safe Haven, a 10-bed shelter and Multi-Service Center, which provides overnight emergency shelter and drop-in services to more than 350 homeless persons each year, 12% of whom are veterans. Since 1995, Our Place Safe Haven has served as a “community living room” where homeless persons can drop-in and get a cup of coffee, food to eat, socialize with others, take a shower, do their laundry, make phone calls, get their mail, talk to a Case Manager and get counseling.

Turning Point Foundation currently serves over 762 clients each year through safe haven, shelter, supported housing and rehabilitation programs. Turning Point is the only local non-profit agency that addresses the critical community needs of mentally ill adults in Ventura county.

To identify potential residents, Turning Point’s Street Outreach team networks with the police and other mental health and social services agencies serving homeless persons, follow up on leads concerning potential clients, as well as make regular visits with food and supplies to areas where homeless persons are known to congregate in Ventura County, and through VA referrals.

Turning Point currently has three employees who are veterans, and are looking to hire more.  These employees have the peer experience and connect compassionately with homeless veterans.

To learn more about Turning Point Foundation, and a personal tour beforehand with their Executive Director, Jason Meek, please call 652-0000 x108.


Ventura County Fair Parade

stuff-fair-parade-collage---CopyThe 2015 Ventura County Fair Parade was held on Saturday, August 8 in historic
downtown Ventura.

Marching bands, drill teams, acrobats, clowns, horses, school groups, antique automobiles,
clubs and organizations marched down Main Street from Aliso Lane to Palm
Street in celebration of the 140th Ventura County Fair. The Fair Parade has become
Ventura’s premier parade.

“Free “Learn to Row” on Saturday Aug. 29th @ 8:30am at Lake Casitas

photo by Dani Thole
Casitas Rowing is now signing up Boys and Girls 9th-12th grade for the fall High School Rowing Team and kids 6th-8th grade for the fall Middle School Team. PE credits offered for all local Ventura high schools for the team.
Practice begins with a “Free Learn to Row” on Saturday August 29th @ 8:30am at Lake Casitas and athletes will then get a Free 2-week Trial to try rowing before signing up.
Contact Coach Wendy for more information 805.642.2288 or check out the website for videos and more information about the training schedule

VPD and Union Pacific join forces to prevent train accidents and deaths

stuff railroad-vpdThe goal of this operation was public awareness.

On July 2 the Ventura Police Department and Union Pacific Railroad held a joint  violation enforcement operation that involved a Union Pacific police officer and Ventura police officers. The Union Pacific officer was Jorge O. Villaescusa, Senior Special Agent Public Safety.

Agent Villaescusa road on the train (actually just 2 engines connected back to back) and Ventura officers were on the train, were stationed at crossings and were on bicycles riding next to the tracks monitoring autos and people for violators.

The enforcement went from the Santa Clara River to Emma Woods campground as the train made several trips between the 2 areas.

It takes from one mile to 1 ½ miles for a loaded train to stop so pedestrians or vehicles that are on the tracks will most likely be hit as was the truck several months ago in Oxnard that resulted in the death of the train engineer and others. Amtrak trains can be extremely dangerous because they are so quiet and not heard by people thinking that it is romantic to walk down train tracks.

stuff railroad-vpd insetSeveral pedestrians waking along the tracks fled when confronted (to be issued tickets for walking adjacent to the railway) by police when the train stopped to speak with them. They were chased down and booked on miscellaneous charges by the VPD. Drivers who failed to yield at safety signals were also cited.

The Breeze asked Officer  Jason Kohagen of the Ventura Police Department why this enforcement operation took place.

He told us “As far as the railroad operation goes, I started planning this operation in early May 2015.  We had two pedestrians struck and killed along the tracks in the city in a very short time frame, and this perked my desire to try and come up with a solution plus the fatal Metrolink collision in Oxnard.  I reached out to my supervisor and after getting the go ahead from him, I contacted the railroad.  Logistically this was a challenging and complex operation to coordinate between the multiple agencies, and even the different work groups within the different agencies.”

“ The goal of this operation was public awareness.  Often times motorists and pedestrians take for granted their ability to cross the tracks, not realizing that, legally, the only place to cross the tracks, is at the marked and designated crossings.  Additionally at these crossings, if the lights are flashing, and bell sounding, it is illegal and unsafe to cross the tracks.  If there are arms associated to the crossing, it is illegal to cross until the arms are completely back up, despite the train having passed.  As a result of the enforcement associated with this event, two motorists were cited for going under the crossing arms as they were descending, and six pedestrians were cited for walking along the railroad right of way.  Two of those pedestrians were arrested for outstanding warrants, and a third pedestrian was arrested for interfering with the operation of a train and assault on an officer.  During this event Operation Life Saver information was handed out to inform  pedestrians regarding grade crossing safety.”

For more photos of this operation visit

Sister city visitors from Loreto Mexico visit ArtWalk

stuff sister cityFrom Ventura Tony and Linda Kinninger, Bert Van Auker, Barbara Brown, Kate Faulkner, Nikos Valance, and Mayor Cheryl Heitmann. From Loreto Lizette Inzunza, Maricruz Arce, Maria Gamez Castro, Hugo Castro, Ivette Granados Marines and Sergio Drew.

Representatives from Ventura’s sister city Loreto in Baja California, visited Ventura to enjoy and experience ArtWalk, the city of Ventura itself, and to strengthen ties between the United States and Mexico.


Welcomed by Mayor Cheryl Heitmann at the ArtWalk reception at City Hall, the Loreto visitors were accompanied by Linda and Tony Kinninger, discussing opportunities to further strengthen cultural and economic connections between the two cities.


Ventura local Kate Faulkner and Sister City board members Barbara Brown and Caryl Cantrell offered the hospitality of their homes to the visitors, and Father Tom Elewaut offered the mission rectory as home base for two of the visitors. Committee Co-Chair Suzanne Baird welcomed them through the Ventura Visitors Bureau so that they could share information and artwork with locals during the two days of the event.


“We are pleased to have hosted the delegation,” commented Sister Cities Chair Barbara Brown. “Highlights of the trip included a visit to the Wav, a tour of the Museum of Ventura County, and a visit to the Channel Islands through the generosity of Island Packers”.

VPD looking to implement body worn cameras throughout department

stuff VPD camerasBody worn cameras has impressed the department.

By Rebecca Wicks

A pilot program that has randomly-selected Ventura Police Department officers wearing cameras on their bodies since May, 2014 has impressed the department to the point they now aim to roll the program out department-wide.

The department is only half way through the year-long program, originally part of a research project headed by Detective Josh Young, a student at the University of Cambridge but has seen enough advantages to cause department heads to look to integrate cameras permanently.  And, while the pilot program aims to measure specific outcomes including citizens’ complaints; use of force; and prosecution outcomes, Assistant Chief Brock Avery of the Ventura Police Department points to ways the cameras can work to help Ventura specifically that may be different from other police departments.

“We have a great police department and a lot of public support,” said Avery. “We don’t necessarily need body worn video for identifying misconduct; it’s another tool for success for us, for putting together better cases.”

While Avery is less concerned with recognizing officer wrong-doings, City Manager Mark Watkins sees how body worn video can helpful to the City when it or one of its officers is put in the position of defending its actions.

“In the event we are put in that position, of being accused, if you have video you have proof you are doing the right thing – it’s not what we said versus what they said,” said Watkins.

The department currently uses cameras which remain on, but do not record until an officer presses a button.  When an officer presses that button, it automatically begins saving – beginning 30 seconds before the officer pressed the button.  This means if an officer sees something which they deem important for example, someone getting rid of what may be evidence, the officer can press the button and it will capture the incident even if it happened just before pressing record.

According to Assistant Chief Avery, the department is beginning the process of pulling together a proposal to implement an ongoing body worn camera program.  In addition to equipment costs the budget is likely to include a new full-time employee to manage the video data as well as storing the data for, in some cases, multiple years.  He estimates startup costs for the program to be in the $400,000 range with ongoing year-to-year costs somewhere around $100,000.

“It will come down to funding,” said Avery who would like to see the program approved for the next fiscal year which would begin this summer.  “It will be our job to show the need, and the value of a program like this.”

According to Watkins, the budget for a camera program would most likely first appear in April, 2015 when the larger budget is proposed and outlined for the City Council.  And, while the budgeting process for the next fiscal year hasn’t begun yet, Watkins is optimistic about the City being able to fund a new program like this.

“We don’t have a complete picture yet, but looking at expenses and revenues, so far everything is tracking,” said Watkins who mentioned there may even be grant monies or other funds available to offset some of the startup costs of a program like this.

Watkins explained he hasn’t seen any data on the camera program yet, but from what he’s heard so far, believes the program has merit.

“There is so much technology available, it’s a matter of figuring out which technology to invest in – and that goes for all the departments in the city,” said Wakins.