Vol. 17, No. 11 – Feb 21 – Mar 5, 2024 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 1/31

8:45am, observed 1/8mile visibility dense fog bank, activated fog signal.
Thursday 2/1 7:08am, observing heavy rain downpours. Navigator Dr is flooded, officers deploying barricades near Spinnaker Dr and Anchors Way closing Navigator.

10:28am, observed a rigid hull inflatable aground on the rip rap near Marina Park. Officers responded, contacted TowBoat US and assisted removal. The vessel was one of theirs, broke free from mooring in the middle of the night.

Friday 2/2

8:21am, dispatched to a vessel listing heavily in Portside Marina. Officers responded in Fireboat, found the vessel with the transom nearly underwater. Pumps were used to dewater vessel, Tow Boat US towed the vessel to boatyard.

4:05pm, observed a family preparing to go hoop netting on kayaks at the launch ramp. Officers contacted the group, advised of hazardous conditions. They left.

Saturday 2/3

9:40am, officers preparing for the storm, placing dewatering pumps in all vessels and vehicles for flooding from the predicted heavy rains and inclement weather.

12:20pm, strong South Winds beset a small bird that was blown into the Port District Building. Officers were able to convince the bird to fly out of building.

7:35pm, received request to dewater a fishing seiners skiff in commercial docks. Officers responded and dewatered the vessel with electric pumps.

Sunday 2/4

11:35am, dispatched to a vessel taking on water in VIM. Officers responded in the Fireboat, were able to dewater the vessel in its slip. Bilge pump disabled.

9:38pm, dispatched to a fire in the Harbor Cove Restrooms. Officers responded with VFD, found a transient with a warming fire in one of the restrooms.

Tuesday 2/6 4:45pm, officers inspecting the temporary work keeping the Marina Park Dock from floating away. The dock was still intact, light surge conditions present.

Wednes 2/7

8:16pm, while securing restrooms at Harbor Cove, officers found a 40 y/o female reporting she was abandoned, no here to go. Officers contacted VPD for homeless care, but the warming center was closed. Provided kit with warm clothes/blankets, also allowed her to stay in restroom due to inclement weather.

Thursday 2/8

6:05am, dispatched to traffic accident near VIM parking lot. Officers responded with VPD/VFD, found the vehicle high-centered on median. No injuries or intoxication issues involved. Patrol was able to tow the vehicle off the median.
Friday 2/9 9:33am, while on patrol in the Fireboat, officers observed considerable Hazards to Navigation including large logs and all sorts of flotsam outside the harbor.

12:58pm, dispatched to a wellness check of a person living in their vehicle near the boatyard. Officers responded with VFD/AMR, eventually were able to contact the individual who was barricaded in their vehicle, no medical observed.

5:01pm, received report one of the commercial fishing vessels is taking on water and needs an emergency haul out. Contacted TowBoat US, they assisted.

Saturday 2/10

10:35pm, received request for assistance with Fish & Wildlife warden investigating illegal catch at the breakwall. Officers assisted, escorted in the Fireboat to the breakwall to release an undersized lobster that was kept.

Sunday 2/11

7:12am, dispatched to a missing swimmer at Greenock Lane jetty. Officers responded in Fireboat and Rescue WaterCraft to assist in the search. Victim was found, resuscitation efforts begun, but unfortunately the patient was not revived.

Monday 2/12

9:55am, officers aboard the Fireboat removing swim area buoys from Harbor Cove, towing to the launch ramp to clean growth off.

6:44pm, received report of a transient setting up camp near Village restaurant. Officers responded, contacted individual, he was organizing his belongings.


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