Vol. 16, No. 09 – Jan 25 – Feb 7, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 1/04

6:17am, observed Weather Service issued a Gale Warning, raised pennants.

8:28am, dispatched to traumatic injury in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 76 y/o female with a fractured leg. After assessment/treatment, patient transported to local hospital by AMR.

Thursday 1/05

12pm-7:54pm, received reports of docks breaking in the keys, vessels adrift. Officers worked with TowBoat US towing broken docks to the launch ramp and adrift vessels to vacant slips in harbor marinas. Eight damaged docks were eventually towed to the launch ramp for destruction. Ten vessels were towed to slips throughout the harbor and many more vessels moved on their own. A giant, intense West swell, one of the largest in years, coupled with a minus tide exasperating the incoming surges, destroyed older docks without pilings.

10:07pm, dispatched to a broken dock at Seahorse Ave in the keys. Officers responded in Rescue B19, were able to access the dock and secure it with lines.

Friday 1/06

6:00am, received request for assistance with a broken dock gangway in danger of colliding with a vessel at Bayshore finger of the keys. Officers responded in Rescue B19 and were able to secure the broken ramp so it was no longer in danger of damaging vessels in the area.

7:15am, received request for entrance conditions for a 100ft crew boat attempting to exit the harbor. Officers advised that 10-15ft waves were still closing out the entrance and convinced the captain to postpone voyage.

2:33pm, while on patrol in truck, observed Major Engineering dismantling broken docks at the launch ramp from the surge/swell event from yesterday.

Saturday 1/07

8:45am, while on patrol in Rescue B19, officers removed several Hazards to Navigation throughout the harbor, mainly floating pieces of broken docks.

11:03am, dispatched to Ocean Rescue at Bangor Lane, Pierpont Beach. Officers responded in Rescue B19, swimmer in distress was assisted safely to the shore.

1:55pm, received report of a large log adrift in the entrance. Officers responded in the Fireboat and found a pier piling adrift. It was taken en tow to the launch ramp and removed for destruction.

Sunday 1/08

11:16am, received a request for a tow from the skipper of a 40ft trawler in the keys. Arranged a tow for the vessel with TowBoat US.

Monday 1/09

8:55am, dispatched to an Ocean Rescue at the Ventura Pier. Officers responded in the Fireboat, victim was safely assisted to shore.

6:05pm, dispatched to flooding at the Holiday Inn Express/Navigator. Officers responded in truck, assessed drains failing. Barricades placed to close the area.



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