Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

New developments being proposed, approved or under construction in Ventura

∙ On August 30 a meeting was held at the Museum of Ventura County to discuss possible changes to agricultural zones, density, building heights and other general plan updates.

It was presented by City staff members.

The meeting was just one of a series to be held for the general plan update. The general plan covers land use, housing, economic development and will determine development for the next 20-30 years.

Tuesday’s meeting ran about three hours. Some attendees expressed their displeasure with what was presented by to shouting at various times during the lengthy presentation.

A virtual meeting was also held on Thursday. Theses meetings collect public opinions about where housing, industrial use, retail, and other uses should be located.

Ventura Community Development Director Peter Gilli understood the anger in the room.

He stated “Admittedly, it didn’t start well but I’m happy with the feedback. It’s only the first step. We’re going to do a lot more and get as much feedback as possible.”

The revisions to the general plan will ultimately be made be the City Council possibly by late 2023.

∙ The Ventura Planning Commission purpose is to advise and recommend on the development and maintenance of general and specific plans. Review annual and five-year capital improvement programs. Advise and make recommendations on applications for zone changes, tract maps, subdivisions, variances, use permits, planned development permits, and related matters.

Commission Members
David Comden – Chair
Appointed by Councilmember Doug Halter
Jenny Lagerquist – Vice Chair
Appointed by Councilmember Jeannette Sanchez-Palacios
Mark Abbe
Appointed by Councilmember Mike Johnson
Kara Davis
Appointed by Councilmember Lorrie Brown
Jane Farkas
Appointed by Councilmember Jim Freidman
Scott McCarty
Appointed by Deputy Mayor Schroeder
Lucas Zucker
Appointed by Mayor Sofia Rubalcava

Homeless individuals and previously homeless families will get first choice to be tenants at an affordable housing project at Ventura’s Westview Village.

The project is in west Ventura at 1153 Village Way. Of the 320 affordable units, 20 will be set aside for previously homeless families and five for homeless individuals.

The plan for Westview Village called for the demolition of the public housing complex built in 1952 and the construction of new apartments, which began in 2017.

With the former residents accounted for, the project provides enough room to accommodate homeless families and individuals, which wasn’t part of the plan when the project was first approved.

The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura determined there was a need to fill in the community. The authority co-developed the complex with San Francisco-based nonprofit developer BRIDGE Housing Corp. The authority is the property manager and service coordinator for the complex.

Recently, developers broke ground on some of the apartments aimed for homeless individuals. Another phase of affordable units, including 20 for previously homeless families, is set to be complete next month.

There will be two case managers on staff and a community services department that will help the homeless families once they’ve moved in.

For more information, visit

Front and Kalorama (PROJ 14570)
Located: 935 East Front Street (District 2)
Description: A new 4-story building with 88 residential units and podium parking on a 0.9 acre site.
Status: Under Review
Hearing Info:
Design Review Committee: 03/31/22
Planning Commission 09/28/22
City Contact: Gene Burse, Senior Planner  
[email protected]

Ventura Ranch Market (PROJ-15349)
Location: 1532 – 1536 East Main Street (District 2)
Description: Alcohol Use Permit for a new 9,000 square foot grocery store.
Status: Approved
Hearing Info:
Director’s Hearing: August 25, 2022
City Contact: Jared Rosengren 
[email protected]

AutoZone Store (PROJ-22-0117)
Location: 1260 East Main Street Citrus Drive (District 7)
Description: Request for Major Design Review for a new 5,980 square-foot commercial building on a 0.48-acre site in the Urban Center (T5.2) zone within the Midtown Corridors Development Code with a land use designation of Commerce.
Status: New Application
Submitted: 08/05/2022
Hearing Info:
Design Review Committee: TBD
Director’s Hearing or Planning Commission: TBD
City Contact: Gene Burse, Senior Planner, 
[email protected]

The Bookmark

About Libraries and Friends
by Mary Olson

With the opening of Fall classes, Ventura County librarians will be paying visits to elementary schools to encourage students to get library cards and take advantage of all the services the library has to offer.

In addition to books and activities students can find at the library, a library card gives them access to many online resources, including live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests. At the website, the resource HelpNow! by Brainfuse offers live online tutoring every day 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM PDT. Log in to the resource with your library card bar code number. In addition to the live tutoring, a 24-hour writing lab is also available where essays and other forms of writing can be submitted for constructive feedback.

A variety of research tools, including digital books, audiobooks, Encyclopedia Britannica, magazines and newspapers can also be found through the eLibrary at

Ventura County Library offers volunteer opportunities for students needing school community service credit and teens 13-17 who want to help the library in a virtual and/or in-person environment. These volunteers assist with children’s programs, research and recommend books for the library to purchase and research and recommend websites for the library’s Steam Resources web page.

Please visit the teen volunteers page for more information: https://vencholibrary.orgr/teen-volunteers and contact [email protected] with your interest.

The Friends of the Preuter Library will be holding their 19th High Tea on Oct. 16th from 2-4 PM at the library located at 510 Park Ave in Port Hueneme. The cost is $40 per person and guests are seated at tables of four or six people. Guests willing to hostess a table (supply china and linens) are especially welcome. There are competitions for best table and best hat. Deadline for reservations is Sept. 30th. Don’t forget your checkbook or cash for the opportunity drawing.

If you have questions or to make a reservation, please contact Jo Ann Van Reenan (805) 282-9794 or [email protected]. All proceeds benefit the library.

Ventura Friends of the Library can always use more volunteers to sort and price donated books, work in the bookstore in E.P. Foster Library and work at our quarterly book sales.

If you would like to help, please email [email protected] or stop by our bookstore in E.P. Foster Library, open 11 am to 4 pm Tuesday through Saturday.

A surf inspired gala celebration supporting foster youth and families

by Kids & Families Together

We are excited to share with you our 2022 sponsorship opportunity for our upcoming fundraising event at the Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach on the evening of Saturday, November 5th, 2022 … “Fostering the Next Wave”

Founded on January 1, 2000, Kids & Families Together (K&FT) has been serving foster, adoptive, kinship, and birth families throughout Ventura County. For over two decades K&FT has become the leader in providing critical services and support to children who have experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, loss, and multiple placements.

Recently, we’ve had the great fortune to connect with an up-and-coming local non-profit, More Than Conquerors Surf (MTC Surf). MTC Surf, founded in 2020, serves foster​ youth in Ventura County by providing them with the opportunity to experience freedom, joy, and confidence through the gift of surfing. MTC Surf’s mission is to provide foster youth with the ultimate surf experience in a safe and fun environment while encouraging personal growth, community, and faith. MTC Surf desires that every child and teen that surfs with them would know that they are fully loved and capable of conquering any current and future challenges they may face.

With our common connection of both organizations providing programs and services for foster, adoptive and kinship families, we decided it would be perfect for us to collaborate on a joint fundraising event that we are calling… “Fostering the Next Wave”.

This will be the inaugural year for this event, and we want this to be a very fun, yet casual (gala-type) event overlooking the sunset of Surfers Point.  We’d love for it to be an event where people will gather to share their love of surfing, while helping to raise money for two organizations that are providing support and services to some of Ventura Counties most vulnerable children.  Guests will enjoy a buffet style dinner, drinks, gorgeous sunset views, surf-inspired music and short films, silent auction, and a hula performance by “Hula Anyone” .

Your donations will be doubled! All funds raised from this event (including sponsorships and ticket sales) will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donation from a private family foundation!

For full details, please visit the official event website at the link listed below…

Fostering the Next Wave 2022 –

More Than Conquerors Surf …

Who we Are (2 min. video) …

Aloha Beach Festival gives back to the community

On Sept. 3 & 4, the 14th annual Aloha Beach Festival was held at Promenade Park Surfers Point in Ventura. The event featured live entertainment, surfing, arts & crafts, food and beer, Hawaiian dancers and the C-Street Classic surf competition.

John Brooks and Chipper Bell are all smiles at the Festival. Photos by Patricia Schallert

It is the brainchild of Chipper “Bro” Bell, a 12-time world Frisbee champion. The Aloha Beach Festival was designed to give back to our local social and environmental organizations. Chipper and his family each year choose a charity organization and they volunteer for them for one year. Each
year the Festival has grown in size and scope and brings the community together to share the aloha spirit. This year’s proceeds went to benefit the Merito Foundation.


Ribbon Cutting at Rowan Boutique

Photo by Michael Gordon

Rowan Boutique held a ribbon cutting at their new Ventura location located at 1058 S. Seaward Ave. They are a beachside women’s clothing boutique embodying the quintessential California lifestyle. The girl is a lover of all things beachy, furry, and bubbly with salty hair and skin, sunrise to sunset.

Phone: (805) 628-3194


The Fair picked up where it left off three years ago  

The Ventura County Fair’s Board of Directors, management, and staff are proud to report that the 2022 Fair was a success. Celebrating the finest from throughout Ventura County, the 147th year picked up where it left off three years ago when the pandemic hit.  “Bringing the County’s only legacy event back and ensuring that it will continue to serve the community for generations to come was the goal of our staff as we endured three years of difficult uncertainty,” said CEO Barbara Quaid, “dedicated staff stepped to the plate creatively and with passion to keep the doors open and make sure the Fair gates opened this year.” Visitors came from near and far to enjoy “A Country Fair with Ocean Air” during the 12-day run, August 3 through August 14.

The Ventura County Fair’s mission is to preserve, promote, and showcase agriculture and the traditions of Ventura County, this was accomplished with competitive livestock and horse shows, agricultural exhibits and baking contests. The Junior Livestock Auction, held on Friday, August 12 was the culmination of yearlong livestock production projects for Ventura County Youth. Proceeds from the Auction are used to further their educations and the agriculture industry in Ventura County. At this year’s auction 291 lots were sold for a total of $1,500,000.

Total Attendance for 2022 was strong at 270, 486; a difference of -10.67% from 2019’s attendance of 302,783.

“For us the focus is never about the numbers of people coming into the gates, but about the quality of the experience our guests have and about the number of smiles we see as Fair visitors head home,” said CEO Barbara Quaid,  adding “We are grateful to have finally been able to bring the Fair back to our deserving community. We are committed to offering a clean, safe and fun experience that will create cherished memories that will last forever.”

Besides being a fun time, the Fair benefits the community in many ways. This year at our “Feed the Need” food drive for Food Share, we collected a total of 2,810 pounds of food and some cash donations, which will be used to purchase meals. Through these donations they will be able to provide a total of 2,401 (1.2lbs = 1 meal / $1 = 3 meals) meals to those experiencing food insecurity in Ventura County.

As is the case every year, overall success would not be possible without the tremendous support of the sponsors and the community. While the gates have closed on the 2022 Ventura County Fair, planning is already underway for the 2023 Fair.

What better way to learn about local food than to experience it first hand?

The Taste of Local is Back!

Totally Local VC the Farm to Fork experts invites you to join them at this years

4th Annual Taste of Local event on Sunday, Sept 11, at the beautiful lawns of Ventura County Credit Unions Corporate office in Ventura. All food and samples are included in the admission price.

The Taste of Local is about bringing together farmers, chefs and community to celebrate our local harvest and the diversity of great food we have right here in Ventura County. It’s sure to be the epicurean event of the year! Over 60 area chefs, wineries, brewers, farmers and purveyors are expected to showcase their expertise during the 4th annual Taste of Local event.

Ventura County agriculture helps to feed our community and the world.

Ventura County is one of the top agricultural producers in the world and that translates into one of the best cuisine scenes that Californian has to offer. Locally grown, locally produced and locally owned are some of the key ingredients at the Taste of Local Festival. Guests have an opportunity to meet and chat with chefs, farmers and purveyors as they taste and learn about the bounty that is Ventura County.

Stop in to booths like the locally grown build your own strawberry short cake bar. Sponsored by the California Strawberry commission, Limoneira lemonade stand and our locally sourced grazing stations.

Taste, sample and sit back and enjoy the sounds of the Rose Valley Thorns and Spencer the Gardener

The Taste of Local showcases local brewers at its “Home Brew Challenge”. Guests sample and vote for there favorites as local brewers compete for top awards for the best home brews in the county.

Competing Ventura County bartenders will craft drinks from local grown ingredients. Attendees will sip (sample size) cocktails made from local farm-fresh ingredients and vote for their favorite. The winning cocktail will be crowned Ventura Counties signature cocktail and be featured at local restaurants throughout Ventura County.Edible Ojai, Ventura County magazine hosts the Farm to Fork Education Tent!

Don’t miss the workshops hosted by some of very own local experts!

We always offer a diverse selection of workshops at the event such as Brewing 101, Coffee Bean to Cup and cooking demos by Sweet Arleen’s.

Ventura County is known as one of the top agricultural producers in the world and that translates into one of the best cuisine scenes that California has to offer. Locally grown, locally produced and locally owned are some of the key ingredients in this year’s Taste of Local event.

More information on the Taste of Local: About Totally Local VC’s Agricultural Education Foundation.


A “Notable Women in Aviation” exhibit will remain permanently on display

Wings Over Camarillo was much more than airplanes. Photos by Yana Khiyod and Patricia Schallert

The premier air show on the central coast of California, Wings Over Camarillo, returned for its 41st year on Saturday, August 20, and Sunday, August 21. This aviation-themed, highly entertaining, and educational event featured aerobatic performances, parachute teams, military aircraft, helicopter rides, classic car show, STEM pavilion and food and drink. Held at the Camarillo Airport it celebrated Women in Aviation. It was presented by the Oxnard Auto Center.


A “Notable Women in Aviation” exhibit, that will remain permanently on display in the Commemorative Air Force Hangar, was introduced this year. The display includes a timeline of women’s firsts in aviation history, beginning with Jeanne Labrosse of France, the first woman to pilot any aircraft solo—a balloon—in 1798, and ending with Jessica Watkins, the first African American female astronaut at the International Space Station 2022.

Wings Over Camarillo is presented by Camarillo Wings Association(CWA) that promotes aviation and its heritage, while inspiring youth with aviation related programs, education and leadership opportunities.

CWA has donated over $521,000 in the past 11 years to local non-profits, promoting youth in science and aviation. “I want everybody to have fun,” said Bill Thomas, Wings Over Camarillo air boss. Two distinguished local aviators lead the event as grand marshals: CDR Colette Lazenka and Martha Phillips.