Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – Community Events

Events by Ana Baker

The Ventura Senior Men’s Group continues to meet for a social lunch and program at the Poinsettia Pavilion on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Men of all descriptions are always welcome to stop in to sample our shenanigans. Lyle Hotzler at 805-341-9820 or Rick Follenweider at 650-520-1098 can supply details.

Wanna Play Bridge? Join us for ACBL-sanctioned duplicate bridge games every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All levels of play, and we will guarantee to have a partner for you if you need one. Lessons are available. Contact: Richard 805-850-8011 or Rose 805-659-9223 or [email protected]. All Welcome.

Oct. 22, 23: The Channel Islands Chamber Orchestra (CHICO for short) turns 20 years old this season. To commemorate that birthday, CHICO, which features some of the most talented musicians in Ventura and Santa Barbara County, will celebrate with two exciting concerts culminating in a gala celebration and a champagne reception after the second concert. The concerts will take place in Camarillo on Saturday, October 22, at 7 p.m. located at St. Mary Magdalen Church 25 N. Las Posas Road. Sunday, October 23 at 3 p.m. in Ventura, at Ventura First United Methodist Church, 1338 E. Santa Clara Street.

Oct. 22: The Ventura County Genealogical Society will host the Annual Family History and Genealogy seminar, presented virtually this year as a webinar on Zoom. Presenting:

Making Sense of the Census. An In-Depth Look at Census Records by Gena Philibert-Ortega

Learn how to search census records more effectively. Saturday, 8:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Registration fee: $30. Registration is available online.

2022 Annual Seminar

Oct. 26: The College Area Community Council will be holding a Zoom meeting on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Council meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month and include speakers and discussion on neighborhood and community interest topics, including public safety and economic development. An invitation and link to the meeting will be sent to everyone on the CACC mailing list. CACC represents citizens in the area bounded by Mills Road on the west, Hill Road on the east, city limits on the hillsides on the north, and the 126 Freeway on the south. Visit the College Area Community Council website @ to learn more, add to the mailing list, or access a link to the Zoom meeting.

Oct. 30: Ventura Friends of the Library will hold their Annual Membership Meeting in E.P. Foster Library Topping Room 651 E Main St, from 2- 4 p.m. Keeping with the Taste Makers theme of One County One Book, we have invited Emily Tan from SpiceTopia to spice up our meeting with a flavorful tale. All are invited to attend. A brief business meeting for members will follow the presentation to receive the Treasurer’s report, elect the Officers for 2023, and vote on a bylaw change.

Nov. 2: 9:30 a.m, BCNN monthly coffee meet at the Ventura Yacht Club in Ventura Harbor. The speaker will be our own harbor area’s Connie Korenstein. Connie is known as the actress behind many recreations of Oxnard history and has written a children’s book on this. At the meeting, Connie will talk about the history of women’s hats from 1600 on. Many will be available to try on and photograph.

BCNN (Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers) is a group for women from Ventura, Oxnard and Port Hueneme. It has dozens of small group off shoots from sports activities, to wine tasting, bridge, games, book groups and more. Newcomers are welcome to attend gratis, to see if they like it. (

Nov. 2,16: Parent grief support group. The Compassionate Friends (TCF) of West Ventura County provides free grief support for families after the death of a child. Parents, grandparents, and siblings over 16 are welcome to join us on

the first and third Wednesdays of every month from 7-8:30 p.m. via ZOOM. First-time attendees join the call at 6:45 p.m. We provide peer-led support where you can openly grieve without judgment. If interested, please contact (805) 835-9100 and leave your email address so we can forward the ZOOM link via email a few days before the scheduled call. For more information, visit To speak with the TCF Chapter Leader in Ventura, contact Laura Lindsay at (914) 610-8918. We welcome you to this club no one ever wants to join. We understand grief and are here to help you take the next step in your healing journey.

Nov. 5&6: The Gold Coast Gem Show is coming to the Ventura County Fairgrounds featuring dealers, including demonstrators and local Gem and Mineral Societies. Diane Cook, the owner of Daisy’s Rocks and Things, has curated a variety of vendors/dealers who specialize in gems, minerals, and fossils. Show goers will find unique and quality specimens, beads, jewelry, and lapidary supplies, including demonstrations and kids activities, fun for the whole family.

The show is free and open to the public (fairground parking is additional). The show hours are Saturday, November 5, 10-5 pm, and Sunday, November 5, 10-4 pm. The Ventura County Fairgrounds is located at 10 W. Harbor Blvd.

Nov.19: Channel Islands PC User Group (CIPCUG) Online and live at our temporary location Ventura County Computers 2175 Goodyear Avenue, Unit 117 (805) 289-3960

Discussion, Tutorial, and Q&A sessions centered on Computers, email, and the Internet, social media brokers such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and Yahoo. Events begin at 9:30 am.

All CIPCUG events can be attended online. Due to limited space, live attendance is reserved for members. Details for connecting to online events are emailed before the event.

Harbor Village hosts free showcase of electric vehicles

Photos by Patricia Schallert

A free showcase of electric vehicles (EV) were on display on Sunday, Sept. 25, on the Harbor Village Main Lawn. Including cars, vans, SUV’s, trucks, and other electric equipment. Enthusiastic car owners were there to discuss their experience and answer questions about owning and living with an EV.

Participant Cathy said that “ this event helps consumers understand new technology and awareness of electric vehicles” She also said “electric vehicles are a seamless transition, less maintenance.”

Fred and Linda Wudl said “we just did a 280 miles in their electric vehicle” with no problems.”





Love VC

Acts of service helping Ventura. Photos by Patricia Schallert

Vince Savlich and Patty Downs

Love VC (Ventura County) is a county-wide event in partnership with hundreds of churches, businesses, agencies, and schools that brings acts of service to communities in need. They celebrated their 17th annual Love VC in 2022 by bringing hope, healing, and transformation across our cities with our new vision to move away from a one-day service event. A summer filled with opportunities to give back, including both at-home and in-person community projects!

Adele Beardsley, Lisa Sparrow, DebrA Riedell and Geo Jones

It started at 8am om Saturday, Oct. 1, with a rally at Plaza Park. Participants received a free Love Ventura Shirt and a chance to meet other volunteers and partners for the day! Then traveled to the project sites where work began.

All hosted by non-profit Love VC with the purpose of inspiring our community to love each other through connecting, giving and serving.

Allen Turner

Love VC’s Team is made up of 100% volunteers working to make our community a more vibrant and unified place to live, work and play.




Al Sun

Open spaces continue to expand in Ventura hills

In 2020, the land trust bought the property for approximately $4 million.

On September 21, the Ventura Land Trust (VLT) held an official ceremony on the Mariano Rancho Preserve. At the ceremony they received a $7.2 million check to fund purchase of the ranch property and establish an endowment for improvements, restoration and maintenance. The new Mariano Rancho preserve will go from the Ventura Botanical Gardens to Two Trees in the Ventura hills. A major addition to Ventura’s open spaces.

In 2020, the land trust bought the property for approximately $4 million with plans to preserve even more miles of public trails forever.

In July, Ventura Land Trust was awarded $7.2 million from the State of California to complete the acquisition and permanent conservation of the 1,645-acre Ventura hillsides property
that will allow the organization to pay off the loan and provide funds to open the 1,645 acres to the public. The land trust hopes to open the preserve publicly in two to three years.

The funding was spearheaded by Ventura’s own Assemblyman Steve Bennett, D-Ventura and State Sen. Monique Limón, D-Santa Barbara who joined in the celebration State Sen. Monique Limón and Bennett presented the check for $7.2 million to the Ventura Land Trust.

Ventura Land Trust Executive Director Melissa Baffa spoke about the future community meetings that will take place that will seek input from the public on Mariano Rancho Preserve’s goals and public access.

Since 2003, Ventura Land Trust has conserved and stewarded open spaces in Ventura County. Ventura Land Trust protects over 3,800 acres of land in the Ventura hillsides, Ventura River, and coastal estuary. Outdoor education programs for children foster a connection to the natural world. More information about the preserve is available at venturaland

The Seaside Highland Games returning to the Fairgrounds

The Seaside Highland Games, Ventura’s very own Scottish/Celtic Festival, will return to their home on California’s Central Coast this October 8 & 9, 2022. The Ventura County Fairgrounds is the ideal spot for this many-faceted Festival. Every Games activity from bagpipe bands to sheepdog demos is within easy access of the Fairgrounds’ Main Street—our “Clan Row.”

Beginning in 2002, the Organizers believe that a proper Highland Festival must have as its backbone a good representation of Scottish Clans and Societies. Still true, you will find over seventy (70) such Societies ready and able to discuss their strong connection to true Scottish soil. And to welcome you as either a newcomer or old friend—and direct you to someone best able to help you trace your family lineage.

Perhaps you just came for the music? Well, do not dismay my friend. We are so pleased to offer a fine array of artists starting with the our amazing regulars the Browne Sisters and George Cavanaugh on the Alex Beaton Center Stage, the always fine music of Sligo Rags–taking a break from Disneyland appearances. The popular Plougboys led by Mark Romano and The Angry Brians (who are not at all angry) will headline the Celtic Rock Stage.

Dancing has always been a huge part of Seaside’s stage presentations from youthful Scottish Highland Dance to the more mature Scottish Country Dance (and, yes, you can most certainly join in)! And the amazing Harp Glen sponsored by the venerable St. Andrews Society of Los Angeles!

But no Festival is complete without the huge and talented Scottish Heavy Athletes. Look to Morgan Arena for these talented fellas and gals tossing, throwing, heaving impossibly heavy implements to new height and distance records! And, yes, the long pole-like cabers are there to be turned as well. That event, like the stage shows, continues nonstop throughout the weekend.

If you can’t do without bagpipes—and which of us can—you are in the right place! Plan your weekend to arrive at Saturday’s Noon Grand Parade and Opening Ceremonies

which will dazzle your eyes, ears and cellphone cameras!! All the guest pipe and drum bands will march interspersed with Clan/Family groups past the Alex Beaton Stage to officially open the Games to all comers! Grab a chair or bleacher seat for this spectacularly bright and colorful event.

If you don’t have your very own kilt or tartan garb, look no further than the many high-quality vendors to find exactly what you need. And while there, why not sample some delicious Welsh Cakes or the wonderful Scottish meat pies or fish & chips and so much more…perhaps a Scottish Cerveza??!!

Many of the young folks at Seaside will be competing for prize money and honors in dance, piping & drumming, and athletics. Be there to cheer them on as we grant them their well-earned prizes!

Classes in genealogy, Gaelic speaking, Scottish history and Scotch! So much to be learnt!

Friday night before the big weekend is a lively evening you are welcome to enjoy including a great Single Malt ScotchTasting followed by a fine buffet supper and Scottish Fashion Show! These events—A Scottish Evening—kick off the weekend at the beautiful Four Points Sheraton and are not to be missed!

Make your plans to join us on the Fairgrounds in October. Lovely Buenaventura awaits! For more information visit

Disability equity in workforce during National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Dani Anderson is the new County first-ever Disability Access Manager.

by Carol Leish, MA

October, 2022, will be recognizing the importance of disability equity in the workforce. ‘Disability: Part of the Equity Equation’ has been chosen as this year’s theme. This includes realizing the contribution to the nation’s economy made by workers with disabilities. Also included are the inclusion policies and practices benefiting workers and employers (

“A strong workforce is the sum of many parts, and disability has always been a key part of the equation,” said Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy Taryn M. Williams. “People with disabilities make up a wonderfully multifaceted group. By recognizing the full complexion of our community, we can ensure our efforts to achieve disability inclusion are, in fact, truly inclusive.”

Recently the County of Ventura selected their first-ever Disability Access Manager, Dani Anderson, just before National Disability Employment Awareness Month. She will be expanding community engagement efforts and improving services delivery for individuals with disability access and functional needs.

“We are thrilled to have Dani Anderson join our team. She brings extensive professional and lived experience that will help us build upon efforts to ensure county services are accessible and inclusive of people with disabilities and other functional needs, particularly in emergency response,” said County Executive Officer Dr. Sevet Johnson. “Ensuring that our services align with the needs of our community members is critical, and we believe Dani is the perfect person for the new role.”

Anderson will be responsible for overseeing the County’s accessibility efforts and will work closely with the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services on emergency response, preparedness, and recover efforts, and will oversee county efforts to improve service delivery to individuals having disabilities. She will also manage various grant and disaster assistance programs and coordinate with multiple agencies and stakeholders.

As a disability advocate and public affairs professional, Anderson recently served as Senior Manager of Access and Functional Needs and Customer Care at Southern California Edison. She also has seven years of non-profit experience, previously serving as the Executive Director of the Independent Living and Resource Center. In 2016, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from California State University Channel Islands.

Anderson said, “Through working within the County of Ventura and with community partners, we will be able to enhance awareness, accessibility, programs, and services to contribute to an even more inclusive community. I believe my lived experience (being a wheelchair user) and my eagerness to create change in the County where I was born and raised will provide me with a unique perspective leading to successful results.”

Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation announces 2022 Benefactors’ Ball

Two local physicians along with a pair of leading community philanthropists will be honored at the Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation’s 48th Benefactors’ Ball, which takes place this year on Saturday, Oct. 8 at the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Camarillo. The public is welcome to attend. Tickets are available online at

The Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation is excited to host this year’s event, which is the first Benefactors’ Ball since 2019; the event was on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Honored this year as Physician of the Year with the Cephas Bard Awards is Dr. Thomas Brugman. He is a leading pulmonologist and has been an integral member of the CMH Critical Care Team since starting his practice in 1984. Dr. Brugman is a strong advocate for community-based healthcare in Ventura County.

The honoree for Retired Physician of the Year is Dr. Mel Cheatham, a neurosurgeon, professor and author. Dr. Cheatham has served the community since 1966 and has shared his healing talents worldwide by conducting lifesaving medical missions in many war-torn and poverty-stricken countries.

The Community Leaders of the Year honorees are Jim and Tish Harris, longtime philanthropists in Ventura County. Their numerous gifts over the years to Community Memorial Health System have supported the health system’s mission of providing exemplary care.

The Benefactors’ Ball begins at 5 p.m. with cocktails followed by dinner at 6 p.m. with dancing, a live auction and awards presentations. The Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization that helps to improve the quality of healthcare locally by supporting Community Memorial Hospital with state-of-the-art facilities, industry-leading programs and comprehensive, accessible health services. The Benefactors’ Ball has a rich history of supporting the hospital’s greatest needs. Contact the Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation at 805-948-2881 or email [email protected].

The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends

by Mary Olson

October is the month of One County, One Book throughout the Ventura County Library system. This year’s selection is Taste Makers: Seven Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America by Mayukh Sen.

Copies of the book will be available to borrow from all Ventura County Library branches. Discussions of the book will be hosted at:

Oak Park Library on Sunday, October 16, 12:00 to 1:00 pm

Ojai Library on Tuesday, October 18, 6:00 to 7:00 pm

Hill Road Library on Tuesday, October 25, 5:00 to 6:00 pm (Hill Road Library Book Club)

Oak View Library on Tuesday, November 1, 4:30 to 5:30 pm (Reading Society Book Discussion

One County, One Book culminates with a special author event with Mayukh Sen at 2 pm on Saturday, November 12 at California State University, Channel Islands’ Grand Salon.

Registration for the Author Talk with Mayukh Sen is free but required.

To offset the travel and venue expenses of the free author event, the Ventura County Library Foundation is hosting Passports, a lively discussion with local food influencers on topics ranging from County food trends to local and worldwide food issues followed by small bites representative of the food cultures in Ventura County. Passports will begin at noon in the Grand Salon.

For more information and to register for both events, go to Tickets are free for the author event and $75 for Passports.

This Fall also brings a California University Channel Islands Lecture Series


Ojai Library Saturday, October 15, 1 pm

Assistant Professor of Art Simon Quiroz introduces concepts and tools on how to go from recording images that on the surface look flat and deprived of color to finish them looking vibrant and colorful for TV, cinema, and beyond, enhancing quality and strong emotional responses from viewers.

Chumash Presence Past and Present

Hill Road Library Saturday, November 5, 11:30 am

This archaeology focused presentation covers the unique history and culture of the mitsqanaqan̓ (Ventureño)

Chumash and their adaptations to the natural environment of the Santa Monica Mountains, the ocean, Mugu

Lagoon, and the Oxnard Plain, including Chumash activities in Ventura County today.

Primitive Art in Civilized Places

Ojai Library Saturday, November 19, 1 pm

For more information, contact Ron Solórzano, Regional Librarian, at (805) 218-9146 or [email protected].

Ventura Friends of the Library Book Sale

Saturday, October 22, 10 am to 3 pmat the Vons at Telegraph and Victoria.

Quality used books at bargain prices. Music on CD and Vinyl and Audiobooks.

We can always use volunteers to help at sales – if you’d like to help, email [email protected]