Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

City Center Board Member Jann Huling

Jann is always serving the community in a big way.

Jann Huling was born and raised in Ventura County. Graduating from Ventura High and UCLA. She is with ServiceMaster by Integrity in Oxnard as the business development manager .

Jann has one grown son Ian and has adopted his childhood best – friend Bobby. Bobby also works for ServiceMaster by Integrity. She has one granddaughter Meadow Lily.

Jann is the Vice-Chair of the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce. Serves on the board for The City Center Transitional Living Center and is on the Marketing Committee. She was awarded Volunteer of the year in 2013 from the Ventura Chamber Ambassador. She was also awarded Board Member of the year with Project Understanding 2016. She is the 2017 President of Project Understanding and won Ambassador of the year for Camarillo Chamber 2017. At Project Understanding she also serves on the Executive Committee and Operations.

She developed a program that she calls “I am not hopeless I am homeless” where she personally engages with homeless to hear their story. Put a name to the homeless…instead of that guy at the Victoria Shopping center or that lady at McDonalds. Jann stated “I believe in putting a name to every homeless neighbor I meet.”

Nancy Schram named as new County Library Director

New County Library Director at the opening of the new Hill St. Library. Photo by Michael Gordon

By a unanimous vote the Board of Supervisors concurred with the recommendation of County Executive Officer Mike Powers to name Nancy Schram as Director of the Ventura County Library System.

“Nancy was selected after a nationwide search that resulted in more than 85 applicants,” said Powers. “Nancy’s collaborative style of management, her tremendous enthusiasm for the role of libraries in our communities and her professional experience showed Nancy was the right choice for the position. Representatives of our local city library partners also participated in the selection process and noted Nancy’s innovative and collaborative approach in supporting her appointment.”

Schram joined the Ventura County Library System as the Deputy Library Director in 2016. Prior to that, she served as the Deputy Library Director for the City of Thousand Oaks for nine years after having worked for the County of Los Angeles Public Library for 10 years. She has a master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and is a member of two professional library associations.

“I’m excited to take a leadership role in County government and to serve our residents with superior library services,” said Schram. “I envision a thriving, sustainable, relevant and collaborative library system that will meet the needs of all our communities far into the future.”

Schram will succeed Jackie Griffin who is retiring in December after 15 years in the Ventura County Library System. Under Griffin’s direction, the library system added the Ventura County Library Foundation, internet connectivity, 3-D printers, laptop computers that can be checked out, innovative reading programs and activities for all ages, and many other accomplishments.

Schram will begin her new duties on December 17, 2017, at an annual salary of $176,766.

Since joining the County, Schram has implemented innovative technology at the soon-to-open Hill Road Library. The technology will empower patrons and provide services on demand, while increasing by up to 70 percent the hours the library is open to the public. She also initiated a Library Staff Training Academy and a program to work with homeless patrons at the E.P. Foster Library.

To learn more about the Ventura County Library System, visit:

Today there are 325,000 Toastmasters in the world

It has been said that many people have more fear of public speaking than the fear of death

In 1924 Dr. Ralph Smedley created Toastmasters. The purpose was to provide a positive and mutual learning experience where people could practice and improve their communication and leadership skills.

The basic format of a Toastmaster meeting presents 5 to 7 minute speeches with 2 to 3 minute evaluations. There are 1 to 2 minute impromptu speeches called Table Topics. There are also contests for Humor and an annual International Speech Contest.

Originally women could not participate. Then in 1973 Helen Blanchard from San Diego joined. In order to participate she identified herself as Homer Blanchard (After the Greek Poet Homer). She got to be president of her club and Toastmasters International. Now women are welcome.

Today there are 325,000 Toastmasters in the world. There are 20,000 clubs in 142 nations including China. In 2017 the International Convention was held in August in Vancouver, Canada.

There are many Toastmaster clubs in this area. One Ventura club is Sandpipers. It meets every Wednesday 6:30 to 7:45am at the Ventura County Human Services Agency, 855 Partridge Dr.

The President is Dave Culton 983-1327. The Vice President for Membership is Wayne Choate at 750-3121 for more information.

Ventura Land Trust (VLT) and Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation host 1st Annual Ventura River to the Sea Coastal Cleanup

A previous year’s trash and debris cleanup.

A recent report states that by 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish

On Sunday, Nov. 19, the Ventura Land Trust (VLT) and Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation teamed up to host the 1st Annual Ventura River to the Sea Coastal Cleanup. Both organizations invited volunteers to join them to clear trash and debris from the Ventura River estuary and beaches near the Ventura County Fairgrounds.

“The sad fact is that 80 % of plastics and other trash found in our ocean comes from land–based sources,” said Dashiell Dunkell, VLT Conservation Director. “Our goal is to remove as much trash as possible from the beach and along the Ventura River before the rainy season begins and washes it into the sea.”

“This is one day when the community can come together in defense of the beautiful coastline, waterways and ecosystems that make Ventura such a beautiful place to live,” said Dunkell.

Visit for more information or call 643-8044.

Wish granters provide special tomato collapsible wheelchair for 6 year-old Yuleima Manriquez

After working with 6 year-old Yuleima Manriquez of Ventura, her family and Wish granters determined her true wish was to have a special tomato collapsible wheelchair. In having her own wheelchair, she would be able to go on family outings. Yuleima’s father explained how the tomato chair was a real blessing.

Make-A-Wish® Tri-Counties collaborated with Merlin Medical Supply & Magic] in Camarillo to surprise Yuliema and present her with her custom fit tomato chair. Owner, Paul Dwork was passionate about serving and accommodating Yuleima’s family, and went above and beyond to ensure Yuleima’s comfort in her new chair.

“When You Wish Upon A Star”

Ventura Keys holiday lights as seen during the Parade of Lights. Photo by Dan Harding

Experience the holidays seaside as Ventura Harbor presents the 41st Annual Ventura Harbor Boat Parade of Lights and Fireworks, Friday & Saturday, December 15 & 16, at 6:30 p.m. and Winter Wonderland & Holiday Marketplace on Saturday, December 16 from 1- 5 pm. Decorated boats and holiday décor kick off this year’s “When You Wish Upon A Star” themed parade, a tribute to all things Disney, as well as the lure of the sea.

The two-day celebration includes decorated power and sail boats as they cruise twice throughout the entire Harbor, the Parade of Lights carnival and rides on the Ventura Harbor Village and waterfront dining offering delicious cuisine throughout Ventura Harbor. Saturday evening, December 16, at approximately 6:30 pm, watch for Santa and his sleigh fly across the sky above the Harbor, kicking off the boat parade, courtesy of Aspen Helicopters. A fireworks display lights up the night Friday & Saturday at approximately 8 pm over Ventura Harbor .

Arrive mid-day on Saturday, December 16 for Ventura Harbor’s Winter Wonderland & Holiday Marketplace from 1- 5 PM at Ventura Harbor Village. Free visits with Santa & Mrs. Claus and their live reindeer, Victorian Carolers, Toy Soldier’s Band, faux snowfall, an artisan market, free craft stations for kids . Christmas holiday characters, and boutique shopping make Winter Wonderland a fun traditional holiday experience for all ages! Enjoy festive fun at this free event and explore the sixteen seaside boutiques and art galleries stores for holiday finds – Love Local – Shop Local. Plus, Harbor restaurants are overflowing with good cheer for lunch and dinner.

Parking is free in Ventura Harbor Village, overflow Village parking, along Spinnaker Drive, and in the Ventura Harbor beach lots. Ventura Downtown – Harbor Trolley will be running with complimentary rides from 11 am – 11 pm from downtown, hotels, and Pierpont neighborhood. Arrive early for best parking and shopping throughout the Ventura Harbor Village.

Boater Applications are available by calling 477-0470 or online at and

Answer in a Breeze

Question: Why is the pedestrian bridge over the freeway closed?

Shelby Young

Answer: Being remodeled to meet standards of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). The over $750,000 budget will include new handrails and landings as necessary to meet the regulations for people with disabilities. It should be noted that ADA requirements have made life much easier for those with disabilities. Project taking much longer than planned.

Do you have a question? Send it to [email protected].

Vol. 10, No. 4 – Nov 22 – Dec 5, 2017 – Person to Person

by Jennifer Tipton

Thanksgiving 2017! What are you thankful for?

Kelsey Burkan
age 70
Owner of Kelsey’s Vegan Bakery & Fudge
“I’m thankful that we’re all still here on earth and to have the opportunity to do the best we can, to be kind and loving to everyone.” She adds, “and always thankful for friends and family.”


Lorne and Aaron Marchant
ages 49 & 47 (brothers)
with Harvest Gathering Farm
Without hesitation, Aaron says “family! (but take my brother out of the equation).” Lorne responds, “yeah, he probably loves my kids more than me! Lorne adds that he is thankful “for personal growth and a knowledge of self”.


Wendi Mitchell
age 50
Co-Owner of Blue Ridge Honey and Member of Ventura Chamber
“I’m thankful for Wayne Scott, the researcher at Channel Islands University for all the hard work he’s doing to stabilize the health of Ventura County’s honey bees.”


Taylor Cooper
age 25
works at Ace Hardware
“I’m thankful for my family, they’re always there for me- 24/7 and 365! They are actually my friends because when you’re going through hard times, they are the ones there for you!”


Peter Nicholas
age 74
Retired Sales & Marketing Director
“I’m thankful that my wife and I came here from Wales 25 years ago.” Pete has had many health issues and was told 16 years ago that he had only one year to live! He attributes this to the health care he has received here and says, “I play golf, just took up bowling and I’m the champion shuttle board player at O’Leary”s!”

Susannah Kegler
age 26
Ventura College Nursing Student Currently working on her C.N.A. and applying to the Nursing Program in February
“I’m just thankful to be out of school and get to spend some time with my daughters!”

New signs on Pierpont Lanes

Photo by Murray Robertson

We asked Jeff Hereford, City of Ventura Transportation Engineer how the new signs on the Pierpont Lanes came to be “The story is very simple….a couple residents asked the City’s Transportation Division if we could install street name signs at the end of each of the lanes facing the beach. The reason for the signs is so that in an emergency situation someone can tell emergency personnel exactly where the incident is occurring along Pierpont beach. The City felt it was a good idea so we went ahead and purchased the street name signs and our crews installed them.”


Ventura Audubon Society December field trips and the Christmas bird count

December 2, 2017 8:00 a.m.
Work Day Hedrick Ranch Nature Area.
Leader: Sandy Hedrick (805) 340-0478.
Arrive at 8:00 for self-guided birding which usually yields some interesting birds. Work from 9am – noon. Long pants and boots or closed shoes are required. Bring water, gloves & sun protection.

December 9, 2017. 8:30
Camp Bartlett (Santa Paula) Private Property
Leaders: Karen Laing (907) 351-5176 and Adele Fergusson (805) 415-4304
This is a hike near Sisar Canyon. We will walk through an old oak forest and then hike up into the hills where there is active oil pumping. Birds that we could see include acorn woodpeckers, Hermit thrush and Steller’s jay.

December 17, 2017
Christmas Bird Count
Leader: Frank DeMartino
This is the 118th annual Christmas Bird Count conducted by National Audubon. The CBC is the longest running citizen science effort on record. We are looking for additional birders to improve our count over last year when we recorded 175 species and more than 19,000 individual birds. Please email Frank DeMartino at ([email protected]) if you would like to participate.