Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

River Community Church, Spark of Love and Water’s Edge Restaurant distribute toys to needy Ventura families.

Pastor Jim Duran and volunteers brought joy to the needy.

by Richard Lieberman

On Sunday, December 20, the River Community Church along with partners Spark of Love and Water’s Edge Restaurant distributed over 2,000 toys to Ventura families in need. Water’s Edge Restaurant supplied a pre-packaged meal for each recipient and the church also supplied a gift bag filled with presents for children of each family.

Water’s Edge Restaurant has been providing meals for Tender Life Maternity Home, The City Center Transitional Living and The River Community Church since the Coivid-19 pandemic began. They have also provided meals for volunteers in the community.

Precautions were taken for a safe and secure community give-away that included everyone who participated having their temperature taken, they were asked about any possible COVID-19 symptoms, everyone is also logged, and a paper trail created for any additional follow up if necessary, mask wearing was required for all at the event. Also, hand sanitizers were placed at strategic locations on the church grounds, along with gloves.

“Shortly after the pandemic hit there was a restaurant that wanted to give back to the community, so they called Ventura Visitors Bureau and they contacted me, and I told them what we do, and they said however you want to do it.” Said Jim Duran Pastor of the River Community Church. “So, one day a week we get a food tray that goes to the City Center for Transitional Living, one day a week we get a pan that goes to the Tender Life Maternity Home and three days a week we get meals which provides meals to our volunteers here at the Church” added Duran.

Over one hundred families registered and participated in the give-away that included over 500 children. Each child received at least five toys each for an approximate total of 3,00 toys. “The toys are coming from Spark of Love supported by Ventura residents who have donated to the charity and we are a distribution point for them,” Duran added. “The community just came together incredibly well to bless these families,” Duran further stated.

Ventura 2020 Year In Review

by Sheli Ellsworth, Jill Forman, Richard Lieberman and Shirley Lorraine

In January, the City of Ventura announced the promotion of Building Inspection Supervisor, Ian Livingston to the position of Chief Building Official for the Community Development Department. Livingston was serving as the City’s Interim Building Official and has spent over 20 years in the construction Industry. “Ian Livingston’s leadership will help guide the Building and Safety Division’s integration of technology and process efficiencies to reinforce the city’s customer service focus’” said Community Development Director Peter Gilli. In 2014 Ian became a Building Inspector with the city of Ventura, and eventually, the Building Inspection Supervisor. In addition to his hands-on inspection expertise, helping Ventura residents complete their projects safely and according to State Building Codes. In addition, Ian teaches at Ventura College’s Construction Technology department, helping the next generation of builders and contractor’s learn about accessibility and building codes and methods.

A ribbon cutting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce was held for the Ventura County Family Justice Center, located at 3170 Loma Vista Road in Ventura. Those facing violence of abuse suffer in silence as fear, confusion and lack of access discourage them from getting much-needed help and support. Ventura County Family Justice Center simplifies this overwhelming process by providing a caring, safe environment where victims and their families can access the comprehensive resources needed to recover, heal and break the cycle of violence. The mission of the Family Justice Center is to support and improve the lives of those impacted by family violence and trauma. Ventura Count Family Justice Center empowers and supports survivors of all ages and their families. Employing a collaborative approach creates a safe space where the use of strength-based practices is used to end abuse, and exploitation, pursue justice, and create pathways to hope.

During January Ventura County’s first government funded and led permanent year-round homeless shelter was ready to open. Dubbed the ARCH (All Roads Connect to Housing) the shelter celebrated it is grand opening with a ribbon cutting. The shelter a joint project between the county of Ventura and the city will provide 55 beds in a converted county-owned facility and is slated to provide shelter, social services and mental health counseling in addition to job assistance, benefits navigation and other educational programs. The shelter is located 2323 Knoll Drive in Ventura No walk-in services are provided. The facility will accommodate 17 single women and 38 single men. The Mercy House model is “housing first”, which focuses on aiding those in need find stable housing as a primary step toward re-integration into society. Participants will be required to work on a plan to find suitable housing. Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere stated, “The shelter is going to save lives”.

On January 18, 2020, a deadly shooting occurred at the public parking structure at Harbor and California Streets. The victim was 21-year-old Alejandro Hernandez of Ventura. This was Ventura’s first murder in 2020, and police say the murder suspect, 24-year-old Raymond Bolanos was jailed. Police responded about 2:45 am after a 911 call was made to police regarding a shooting victim at the top level of the parking structure. Patrol officers responded and located the victim suffering from multiple gunshot wounds Police reported that the crime occurred when one group- standing outside their red Ford Mustang, was approached by the second group of people in a white sedan. The two groups started fighting when one person inside the vehicle shot at the group outside. The Mustang fled the scene and ended up in Oxnard where the driver lost control of the vehicle and ran off the road. 

Approximately 20% of Ventura’s municipal water comes from the Ventura River. Over the past twenty years, Ventura has decreased the amount of water taken from the river. In 2014 Santa Barbara Channelkeepers, an environmental non-profit, alleged that the city’s use of the water was unreasonable and harmful to the Steelhead fish species. The city agreed the fishery was suffering but proposed that the city alone could not solve the problem. Our partners are the Casitas Municipal Water District, Meiners Oaks Water District and Rancho Matilija Mutual Water Company, as well as Taylor Ranch, Friends Ranch, and Thacher School. As part of the Channelkeepers lawsuit, the city was required by a judge to notify all users of river water about the ongoing litigation, to provide them the opportunity to participate. The goal of the city was to work with all affected parties. 

The Church of Scientology held a ribbon cutting ceremony on a new Ideal Organization devoted to Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. The church opened their new center to an audience of 4000 Scientologists, guests and federal, state and local dignitaries. The glass encased new church highly visible to the 100,000 commuters on the 101. Leading the grand opening celebration was David Miscavige, leader of Scientology. Highlighting the churches’ work toward environmental responsibility using L Ron Hubbard’s (founder of Scientology) non-religious moral guide, “The Way to Happiness” as having the power to get people into action. Happiness volunteers had already started beach cleanup activities all along Ormond Beach

CAPS Media and ECTV crews were big winners at the Community Media Western Conference in Monterey, Ca with five W.A.V.E. Awards (Western Access Video Excellence). CAPS Media won in the ACM professional category for production of the Central Ventura County Fire Safe Council promotional video (community event category), a Thomas Fire Stories episode featuring Vista Del Mar and Hawaiian Village (community issues category) and a Thomas Fire Stories episode featuring Ventura Chiefs, Scott Quirarte, Michael Weisenberg and Todd Leake (magazine show category) were among the many award recipients. The Alliance for Community Media mission is to promote free speech and greater civic engagement through community media. For democracy to flourish, people must be active participants in their government, educated to think critically and free to express themselves. CAPS Media provides Member/Producers the vehicles to express themselves on television, radio and online. CAPS is often referred to as Ventura’s electronic soapbox.

In March, the Ventura City Fire Department and the Ventura Unified School District, cohosted a two-day fire safety event. Since 2011 they have educated approximately 10,200 children on fire safety. Over 1,300 students traveled to the fire training grounds for the “4th Grade Fire Safety Days.” Students, parents, and school staff watched firefighters perform tasks associated with firefighting, paramedicine and fire prevention. Firefighters focused not only on their duties, but on the importance of education. Students learned what to do in case of fire or natural disaster and the importance of a family emergency plan. Fire Chief David Endaya told the Breeze, “It is truly one of the best partnerships we have, and we are lucky to have the support and backing of the VUSD and Superintendent Dr. Rice.

The Gene Haas Foundation awarded $250,000 to the Ventura College Foundation to support the Advanced Manufacturing program. Funds will be used to relocate and renovate the manufacturing lab to promote manufacturing occupations and enhance student workforce manufacturing skills. Once renovations are completed, the lab will be renamed the Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab. Ventura College plans to offer manufacturing courses in the lab’s new home starting in fall 2020. The undergraduate curriculum is available for students interested in working toward proficiency in CNC Operation and Manufacturing Applications.

In support of the “Stay Well at Home” order issued by Ventura County Public Health, all parks and beaches in the City of Ventura will be closed until further notice during the COVID-19 emergency period. The County’s modified Stay Well at Home order asks community members to stay inside their homes, limiting all outside movement beyond what is necessary to take care of essential needs and ordering all non-essential businesses to close. Those orders also include restrictions against non-essential travel and gatherings. In response to recent public health orders, the City has taken a series of emergency actions in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, including proclaiming a “State of Emergency” on March 15, 2020.

Following a nationwide recruitment, the City of Ventura announces that Heather Sumagaysay will assume the position of Communications Manager on March 30. Sumagaysay worked for the Ventura County Fire Department (VCFD) as its lead Public Information and Marketing Officer since 2015. She managed crisis communication and community outreach in coordination with Ventura County’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) during the 2017 Thomas Fire, 2018 Woolsey Fire, and 2019 Conception Boat Fire in Santa Cruz. Sumagaysay also worked at the cities of Santa Clarita and Beverly Hills. She earned a master’s degree in communications from George Washington University. In 2018, she was recognized by the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce as a “40 under Forty” award honoree.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving announce the hiring of Staci Brown as their new MADD Program Specialist. She will be presenting “The Power of Youth,” a workshop for ages 13-18 about the negative effects of drinking, its effect on the brain and related statistics. She will do a similar event for college students and another one called “The Power of Parents,” for parents who want to speak to their children about underage drinking. MADD’s goal is to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes and prevent underage drinking. They are always looking for volunteers and need victims who would like to tell their stories to offenders at their Victim Impact Panels. To reach Staci please call 714-838-6199 Ext 6649 or email at [email protected].

Ventura County has contracted the Vagabond Motel and the Best Western Motel to serve as homeless shelters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chain-link fencing surrounds the sites while entrances are guarded by armed security. Parking lots host tents erected for overflow. Signs warn residents of the rules they must follow: “One client per room, no visitors permitted, no profanity, no drug use, no alcohol use, no violence, no foul language, no loud noise.” Transportation, medical care, and mental health care are being provided by various county agencies for “high-risk” homeless individuals: those 65+ years old and those having an underlying condition like heart disease, diabetes and other conditions.

After suspending non-emergency procedures in March, Community Memorial Health System (CMHS) has followed guidance from the CDC, US Surgeon General, American College of Surgeons, the State of California and the California Hospital Association, as well as doctors and nurses in establishing safety criteria prior to resuming non-emergency surgeries. CMHS will require mandatory COVID-19 testing for preoperative patients, and mandatory COVID-19 screening for everyone who enters CMHS facilities and mandatory use of masks in all CMHS inpatient and outpatient facilities, regardless of their COVID-19 status. The facility will use separate intake, evaluation, and treatment areas for patients who present with COVID-19 symptoms from those who do not and separate waiting areas (including vehicles) and phone registration following appropriate screening.

Ventura County schools continue to be in flux, offering students options for full distance learning or a mix of distance and physical presence. In July, the VUSD Board of Education voted unanimously to move to a full distance learning model for the entire Fall 2020 semester. Governor Newsom announced that schools were to stay on distance learning until the county remained off the state monitoring list (for COVID-19)for 14 days.

Some schools returned to physical session, at least part time, after Thanksgiving. However, due to a rise in virus numbers following the holiday, some schools have closed again. The model continues to fluctuate to accommodate the present needs of students, faculties, and families.

Social distancing and the wearing of masks in public places, including schools, is still mandatory. Many adjustments continue to be made as the District reacts to the rise and fall of Covid-19 numbers.

In July, six At-Risk students from the Ventura High School “Learning the Ropes” program were able to graduate. The LTR program is a collaboration between the Police Activities League (PAL) and Ventura High School. The program serves students facing severe life challenges and for whom a traditional school model was not suited. Members of the PAL force include Sal Flores, Ben Schuck, Jeanette Sanchez, Frank Benavidez J.R. Luna, Joseph Hoss, Annette Garcia, and Lorelei Woerner. According to Flores, “We care about them, we believe in them, and we make time for them – which is better than some students get at home.” As one student said, “Some of us needed help and didn’t even know it.” The LTR program offers a bridge for struggling students to find ways and motivation to succeed in life.

Homelessness is a continuing problem in Ventura and throughout the County. Earlier this year, the Vagabond and Best Western Hotel in downtown Ventura was turned into a temporary homeless shelter for the growing vulnerable population. However, due to extensive repairs and refurbishment judged to be needed, the Vagabond and Best Western decided to terminate their lease with the County. Other locations for temporary sheltering continue to be sought.

Tara Carruth, program manager of the Ventura County Continuum, stated that “The county is partnering to provide a motel voucher program to provide continued placement to high risk individuals. We are transitioning from full facilities to offering motel vouchers for a select group of individuals that are considered high risk.” She added that many individuals have since returned to the street and remain unsheltered. Some declined offered services and did not become engaged in a housing plan. Nonetheless, voucher funding was extended through the end of the year and hope continues that shelter will be available for those who seek it.

In the good news department, the City of Ventura was honored in 2020 as a top bicycle-friendly city by PeopleForBikes. The City was noted for its commitment to recognizing and developing ways to encourage bicycling as a healthier and more sustainable transportation choice. Since the pandemic began, bicycling has risen dramatically as a family recreation, a way to promote health, and has provided local economic stimulation. Bicycle shops across the city and the county have experienced record sales and are now experiencing resource shortages due to difficulties stemming from manufacturers’ inability to keep up with the needs. Because of the pandemic and the rapid rise in demand, parts that are made overseas just have not been available in necessary quantity. Derek Towers, City of Ventura’s Active Transportation Coordinator, expressed excitement at resident’s use of the City’s continuing investments in alternate transportation options.

Ventura Police officer James Dillard received an award as the Department’s Top DUI Enforcement Officer by Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD). It was Dillard’s second recognition for his stellar achievement, the first being in 2018. “I am honored to receive this award. I am pleased to be able to protect the citizens of Ventura by getting impaired drivers off the road.” said Dillard. A former Probation Officer for Ventura County, Dillard also studied Criminal Justice at Cal State Los Angeles. He sought additional training in the detection of impaired drivers and attended classes to earn him a designation as a Drug Abuse Recognition Expert. Dillard’s commitment to the community’s well-being and safety continues as does his dedication to ridding the roads of impaired drivers.

Controversy reigned over the proposal by Ventura City Council to remove the status of Father Junipero Serra from its long-time position in front of City Hall. Cited by Chumash and Mission Indian tribes as a monument detrimental to the Native American culture in California, the Council heard from many on both sides of the issue. Councilmember Christy Weir stated that “in supporting the relocation of the Father Serra statue….my goals are to honor the Chumash… , by determining a more fitting place for the statue; honoring the Catholics and others caring for his status in a safe location where his significance will be 100% celebrated, and honoring the craftspeople and artists who created the work of art..”

Following several demonstrations and public meetings, the City Council ultimately reached a peaceful resolution to remove and relocate the Serra statue from in front of City Hall, as well as a wood Serra statue from the City Hall atrium.

Downtown Main Street in Ventura has seen some dramatic changes over the last 10 months. A proposal developed by Downtown Ventura Partners was put into place as a pilot program. The Partners paid for the street closures and the required barricades to close off core blocks downtown to traffic to enable restaurants to provide socially distanced dining and other businesses to stay open. “I see this an as opportunity to throw a lifeline out to businesspeople,” said Councilman Jim Friedman. It seems that it has, in fact. Outdoor dining has been popular. Stores have been able to stay open. The public has embraced this program, with many enjoying walking the downtown without having to weave through traffic. Whether the program will remain in place and for how long remains to be seen. In the meantime, pleasant outdoor dining and shopping is available to enjoy.

Families of murder victims whose cases remain unsolved demonstrated on the lawn of the Government Center. Holding homemade signs, they asked drivers to honk in support.

One of the unsolved cases dates back to 1974. Sheila Kamara, the spokesperson for the group, said “We are protesting to get unsolved murders solved. We are trying to get the city to hire more detectives who can focus on unsolved murders.” Her son Arnold Kamara was murdered March 16, 2016 by unknown assailants. She sees the hiring of additional detectives as imperative to the solving of these yet unsolved cases. She thinks new detectives will bring more light to the cases.Three weeks ago, the group demonstrated in front of Ventura City Hall and intends to do so at both City Hall and the Government Center again.

On August 31, Deputy Public Works Director Mary Joyce Ivers was sworn in as the President of the American Public Works Association, in a virtual ceremony. Ivers has been involved in public works for over 27 years, and currently oversees operational activities for Ventura’s Public Works Department, with a $100 million budget and 91 employees. “Mary Joyce is a longtime Ventura resident who cares deeply for our community and has a career-long history of service excellence, innovation, and integrity,” said Ventura City Manager Alex D. McIntyre. “We are thrilled to have an enthusiastic, forward-thinking leader like Mary Joyce not only serve our City but represent Ventura on a national level. She will lead APWA to new levels of distinction.” The City’s Public Works mission is to provide innovative solutions for Ventura’s infrastructure and environment.

Physicians for Progress, a group of about 50 doctors in Ventura County, is committed to both medicine and the overall public well-being. The organization was founded in 2017, focused on solving issues with the current healthcare system, preserving democracy, as well as protecting the environment, which directly affects everyone’s health. They shared concerns about the Trump administration’s attacks on the Affordable Care Act, and are working to influence lawmakers to consider a single payer system, to ensure that all Americans have access to insurance and healthcare.

Dr. Leslie-Lynn Pawson is a founding member of the group; as a physician and teacher in VCMC’s award-winning residency program, she has seen first-hand what does not work in the current system. She points out that every other wealthy democratic country has some version of s single-payer medical insurance system, and citizens in those countries do not go bankrupt or lose her homes due to medical expenses.

Ventura would like to thank Cheryl Heitmann for her many years, since 2002, of dedicated service to the community. Ventura has become a better place from her dedicated service.

Heitmann was in private practice as a licensed Clinical Social Worker for 25 years, and owned a political consulting and fundraising group for 20 years. She was drawn into community service when the Ventura College Community College District was undergoing difficulties; that board had not had a woman member for 20 years. She took up that challenge and discovered a talent for that sort of work. She also believed that “…women needed to become more involved in the political process as candidates.”

She has served as both Mayor and Deputy Mayor, while participating in multiple other activities such as the Transit Board, the Economic Development Collaborative, the school liaison committee, the homeless subcommittee, the Ventura Council for Seniors, and others. “I was especially proud to have started the city’s first sister city program with Loreto, Mexico.

The theme of this year’s State of the City is “Focus on Recovery: Rising above a Pandemic in Ventura”. We are now 6 months into this pandemic, and all of our lives have been impacted in immeasurable ways.”

I can only hope that through this despair, we find opportunities for progress and improvement. I am someone who always looks for the silver lining in difficult situations, and I believe that despite the challenges we are facing today, we can find opportunities to create a more prosperous tomorrow.”

“…our commitment to serving the community and its residents hasn’t stopped. When COVID-19 hit, the City quickly transitioned operations to re-imagine City services in order to support online services for residents and businesses…We have aimed to improve operations, and to close service and technology gaps.” “I believe the system we currently have in place will serve us incredibly well as we transition from recovery to future successes.”

The Ventura Police Officers’ Association (VPOA) presented three scholarships to high achieving local Ventura students as the award recipients of the 17th annual Dee Dowell Memorial Scholarship. “There is no greater honor than to be in public service,” said Officer Joseph Metz, President of the VPOA.

The first-place scholarship of $2,000 was awarded to Bailey Welch who will be attending Ventura College to pursue a course of study in Nursing. The second-place scholarship of $1,500 was awarded to Tara Martin, who will be attending the University of Arizona to pursue a course of study in Early Child attending the University of Southern California and intends to continue her studies in Law History and Culture.

The Ventura Police Department (VPD) and LexisNexis Risk Solutions have recently partnered to provide a new way for the community to stay informed about crime in the City of Ventura. The Ventura Police Department now has an online crime map called Community Crime Map designed to alert the public about recent crime activity in their area and improve communications.

Ventura residents can view a map that shows all of the reported crimes in their area, sign up for neighborhood watch reports that breakdown recent crime activity near their home, school, or other places of interest. The map empowers Ventura residents to make better decisions about crime, by putting the same technology used by the Ventura Police to analyze and interpret crime activity, into the hands of the community it affects so they can make informed decisions about how to stay safe.

Check out the Community Crime Map at https://www.cityofventura. – tive-Crime-Map.

Ventura City Hall was lighted in pink every night through October to mark Breast Cancer Awareness month. City spokesperson Heather Sumagaysay said “The city of Ventura proudly recognizes Breast Cancer Awareness month. Although this year COVID-19 prevents us from holding outreach events, by lighting up City Hall, we want to continue to support breast cancer awareness, which is vital.”

Ventura College Foundation’s Weekend Marketplace will temporarily move to a new location on the Ventura College campus while solar panels are installed at its current site (East Parking Lot). The Marketplace will open at the campus’ West Parking Lot on November 28. The Marketplace will be closed November 21 and 22 in preparation for the move. The solar panel installation is expected to take 12 weeks to complete.

 Because of the COVID pandemic, the Weekend Marketplace has faced challenges in 2020 that have impacted Ventura College Foundation operations. The proceeds from Marketplace space rentals support much of the foundation’s operating costs and a portion of foundation’s core programs including scholarships and textbook lending. The Marketplace was closed in March because of COVID restrictions. It was allowed to reopen in May but on a smaller scale.

The Ventura City Fire Department is proud to join fire departments of Ventura County, ABC7, and Toys for Tots for the 28th Annual Spark of Love Toy Drive to Ventura County.  

Now through December 24, 2020, Ventura community members can bring new, unwrapped toys, books, sports equipment, or gift cards to participating drop-off locations to be donated to local children and teens. Donations can also be dropped off at Ventura City Fire Headquarters, located at 1425 Dowell Drive. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, donations will not be accepted at any of the city’s six fire stations.

The Ventura Police Department (VPD) was awarded a $220,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a one-year enforcement and education program with an emphasis on safe travel. This grant will assist in VPD’s efforts to reduce deaths and injuries on Ventura roads.

This grant funding allows us to educate and enhance the safety of residents behind the wheel, on our sidewalks, and in our bike lanes,” said Ventura Police Sergeant, Michael Brown. “Through education and behavior changes, we hope to create an environment that is safe and equitable for all road users in our community.”

The Ventura City Fire Department (VFD) was awarded $218,000 in grant funding to purchase 12 automatic chest compression devices through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG).  The device, known as the Lund University Cardiac Arrest System (LUCAS), is designed to deliver consistent, high-quality chest compressions, even under difficult conditions, to provide life-saving support for extended periods of time. 

The Lucas chest compression system helps first responders do what they do best – save lives,” said Firefighter Paramedic Kyle Tong, lead trainer on the new devices.

The Kid Gloves Boxing Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is presenting the First Annual Operation Get Fit, a fundraiser that will benefit Veterans and active duty military personnel. Veterans can benefit emotionally as well as physically from a no-contact, boxing-style fitness regimen that helps release stress, according to Alicia Doyle, a Ventura resident and Two-Time Golden Gloves Champion who trained at Kid Gloves Boxing in the late 1990s when only a few hundred women were competing in this male dominated sport. “This cause is close to my heart,” said Doyle, whose father, Frank Doyle, was a Navy veteran who passed away on September 21 at the age of 84. Her father, who earned his Master’s Degree in engineering on the G.I. Bill, was considered a brilliant rocket scientist.

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020, was declared by the Ventura City Council as “World AIDS Day” in Ventura, with Quilt Project Gold Coast volunteers receiving the proclamation read by Mayor Matt LaVere at their November 26th Zoom council meeting. And on World AIDS Day, Quilt Project Gold Coast displayed eleven locally made AIDS Quilts on the steps of Ventura City Hall from 2-5 for public viewing, as well as hosting a masked sunset vigil to remember those lost to the disease.

Attended by dozens of local residents and people from as far away as San Bernardino, the program for the vigil was conducted by Boardmember Mark Lager, with comments from Keith Coffman-Grey, a musical selection from Andy Edgar-Beltran, and invocations from Rev. Melissa Langdell and Deacon Joel Chan.

Ventura City Councilmember-elect Doug Halter read the proclamation for those in attendance.

Due to restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the event was masked and the only public observance in Ventura or Santa Barbara counties (with other groups opting for virtual forums) for World AIDS Day.

Community Memorial Health System is expanding its successful year-old ROSA Total Knee Replacement System program, bringing knee replacement surgery with the ROSA robots to Community Memorial Hospital. CMH and Ojai Valley Community Hospital remain the only hospitals in the Tri-Counties offering this cutting-edge technology.

The expansion of CMHS’s ROSA Knee replacement surgery program comes as doctors have performed over 50 knee replacement surgeries at the Ojai hospital using the ROSA Total Knee Replacement System, a new robotically-assisted surgical system that enhances total knee replacement surgery. After experiencing such positive outcomes with the ROSA robot surgeries in Ojai, CMH purchased two new ROSA robots for use at CMH. On December 4th, Dr. Robert Mazurek performed the first ROSA knee replacement surgery at CMH. Physicians can now operate a total of three ROSA robots at both the Ojai and Ventura hospitals. Total joint replacement is among the most commonly performed elective surgeries in the United States today. The ROSA system combines robotic technology with industry-leading knee implants to help surgeons personalize knee replacement surgery for patients.

The City of San Buenaventura and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, a local environmental group, have announced an amendment to their settlement agreement in the lawsuit regarding the pumping and diversion of water from the Ventura River Watershed. Both Channelkeeper and the City remain committed to ensuring the protection of this local water source and the species that rely on it. The ongoing collaboration enables dialogue toward a locally developed solution to continue moving forward.

Under the modified terms, the City will continue the Pilot Program it implemented in 2019 to reduce its pumping and diversion of water from the Ventura River when flows drop during dry times, in order to help protect wildlife that depend on the river. The Pilot Program was originally set to expire in March of 2020, however, the City continues to honor the flow regime set in place.

Additionally, the City and Channelkeeper have agreed to keep a dialogue open to identify additional ways to work collaboratively on other Watershed and habitat-related public relations efforts.

Harbor donates over 1,000 food items for CAN-Tree Food Drive 

Cans of food were festively stacked to look like decorated holiday trees

Tis the season for giving, and part of the holiday magic was evident as
Ventura Harbor Village hosted a Holiday CAN-Tree Food Drive for Food Share Ventura County
this past weekend. The seaside activity was an example of sharing with others who will receive
much-needed food this holiday season.  Locals and visitors dropped off more than 1,000
canned goods and other food items and donated to the non-profit organization to help make
the holidays bright.

As part of the one-day holiday collection, cans of food were festively stacked to look like two
colorfully decorated holiday trees, one in true sea-theme with a mermaid tail topper, and the
second decorated traditional red and green, topped with a gold tinsel tree. Visitors also got a
chance to catch a glimpse and have a socially distanced visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus in their
sleigh, handing out reindeer antlers to those who donated food items.

“It really is uplifting to see the community come together and support those families in need,”
said Ventura Port District General Manager Brian Pendleton. “We were proud to have
exceeded our goal to assist Food Share Ventura County this holiday season.”

In addition, visitors were able to “shop small” and take in some last-minute shopping outdoors
from  one-of-a-kind retailers, selling handcrafted items from homemade chocolate to
handcrafted pottery, and enjoy delicious take-out meals from numerous harbor restaurants
featuring seaside eats and treats.

New Years Eve online celebration and end of the year wrap-up

The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends
by Jill Forman

“Noon Year’s Eve” – Special online Storytime and party for those who can’t stay up until midnight. There will be party kits available at Foster and Hill Road, the week of New Year’s, during normal book pick-up times. For information check it out at:

Speaking of online activities for families, in January there will be Discover Science. Sounds great, I want to do it! Here’s that link:

As for the year-end wrap up, what can you say about 2020?

Ventura’s libraries have come through for our community in many ways. This column has described the hard work and innovations that have turned the libraries’ online services into a vibrant presence for everyone.

The Ventura Friends of the Library (FOL) have also put an amazing amount of work and flexibility into serving the community and the library while remaining COVID-19 safe. Normally the Friends earn funds for library programs and equipment mostly with in-person sales: intermittent large sales, the bookstore at Foster, and the shelves at Hill Road. With the closure of these venues, FOL Board members had to come up with completely novel methods of selling books.

Amazon sales are handled by Teddy Wood who is an expert at knowing what books are saleable and their value. Leslie Bellmore, a new Board member, researched what other libraries are doing and started an online bookstore with local pickup. We had one regular sale in February and managed to squeeze one in at the Foster Parking Lot in October with COVID-19 safeguards.

Memberships, donations and grants have also contributed to the total assets.

Thanks to all these ways and means, the Friends’ total gift to the libraries, in a year in which we could have just given up, is $54,000! The FOL also has a Capitol Improvement Fund dedicated to building a future permanent East End library, so money funnels to that also.

For end-of-year giving, FOL treasurer Kathy Thomson requests that the public consider donating to the Endowment Fund, which gives back to the libraries every year. $23,000 of the FOL funds this year came from dividends from our Endowment Fund. Thomson explains, “The Ventura Friends of the Library opened an Endowment Fund with the Ventura County Community Foundation in 1999 in order to create a continuous source of funding for Ventura’s libraries. Over the years the fund has grown and continues to provide increasing returns which in turn are gifted to the Ventura County Library System for use in the city of Ventura.  Any contributions made to the Endowment Fund will enhance and benefit library services for years to come.”

To give, either write Endowment on a check or send an email with your donation that it is for the Endowment Fund.

Thank you to all the citizens of Ventura for your support in 2020!

Turning Point Foundation establishes mental wellness hotline

The Turning Point Foundation proudly announced the establishment of its Wellness Line program to support the mental health of all those in need in Ventura County.

Anyone can call the Wellness Line at (805) 653-5045 to speak with trained staff who can offer support, coping strategies and other tools to support the well-being of the caller. Turning Point’s partnership with social services agencies and providers throughout the county made this program possible.

The Wellness Line call hours are from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 8 pm.

“For several months, we have all been subjected to the physical, economic, and emotional consequences of COVID-19.” said Jason Meek, Executive Director of the Turning Point Foundation. “It is vital that we are accessible and employ the necessary resources to our community in a manner that has the greatest impact to the unique needs of each individual.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a severe toll on Ventura County. The sustained hardship of constant stay-at-home mandates, social isolation, and disruption of daily life has worn on the mental health on many communities. This holiday season, with the added stress from the inability to safely gather and celebrate with loved ones, will be especially difficult. Turning Point has redoubled its efforts to support Ventura County’s most vulnerable, including the homeless and veterans, in the wake of this pandemic.

The Turning Point Foundation improves Ventura County communities by helping those facing mental illness remain or become functioning, integral community members.

The full spectrum of services offered by Turning Point’s programs, please check out their website:

January 15, 1945: The night the Japanese Empire attacked Ventura County!

by Richard Senate

As hard as it is to believe, once a 33-pound high explosive bomb fell on the sleeping hamlet of Saticoy just east of Ventura. The bomb wasn’t dropped by an airplane or rocket but it was delivered by an ingenious Japanese weapon—a paper balloon!

Once the bomb fell, the balloon flew on to crash in the hills west of Moorpark. The small bomb blew a crater in the ground but, besides that, did no real damage. The US Army sent out a team to investigate and hushed up the whole incident.

Nearly 10,000 of these curious balloon bombs were made in Japan and set loose upon the United States and Canada in the last months of World War II. The bombs used the jet stream in the upper atmosphere to cross the Pacific to their destinations.

They were assembled in music halls and theaters in Japan put together by an army of school children. Some balloons were armed with explosive bombs, others with incendiaries in hopes they would cause massive forest fires and panic all across the northwest.

At the time Japan was suffering under devastation brought on by American bombers and the balloon bombs were seen as a way to strike back. They even discussed arming the balloons with biological weapons they had perfected in China. One of the bio-weapons was killer anthrax, yet another the infamous “black plague.” If they had used biological warheads the losses on the west coast may well have been staggering.

The American Government pulled a news blackout on the balloon bombs and where they fell. The Japanese, who were monitoring the American media, didn’t know if their weapon was even reaching American soil. In this way, the black out caused the Japanese to lose heart in their project but it also lead to a terrible event. On May 5,1945 a group of picnickers in Oregon spotted one of the balloon bombs caught in a tree. They assumed it was an advertising stunt that dropped gifts from the sky. They pulled on the rigging of the balloon hoping to get to the prizes inside but their efforts only managed to set off a high explosive anti-personnel bomb, killing six. They would be some of the few civilians lost on Mainland America in World WarII.

Most of the bombs fell on uninhabited areas, landing in Canada, Alaska, Oregon, Washington and California. A few were blown as far east as Colorado. The blackout on the weapon continued for four years after the war had ended. It was only then that Ventura County learned they were bombed by this bizarre weapon.

Community Memorial Hospital launches ROSA Total Knee Replacement Surgery program

Featured is Dr. Robert Mazurek and members of the CMH ROSA surgical team.

Community Memorial Health System is expanding its successful year-old ROSA Total Knee Replacement System program, bringing knee replacement surgery with the ROSA robots to Community Memorial Hospital. CMH and Ojai Valley Community Hospital remain the only hospitals in the Tri-Counties offering this cutting-edge technology.

The expansion of CMHS’s ROSA Knee replacement surgery program comes as doctors have performed over 50 knee replacement surgeries at the Ojai hospital using the ROSA Total Knee Replacement System, a new robotically-assisted surgical system that enhances total knee replacement surgery. After experiencing such positive outcomes with the ROSA robot surgeries in Ojai, CMH purchased two new ROSA robots for use at CMH. On December 4th, Dr. Robert Mazurek performed the first ROSA knee replacement surgery at CMH. Physicians can now operate a total of three ROSA robots at both the Ojai and Ventura hospitals.

“We are pleased to grow the ROSA surgery program and bring the latest technology to the communities we serve,” said CMHS President and CEO Gary Wilde.

Total joint replacement is among the most commonly performed elective surgeries in the United States today. The ROSA system combines robotic technology with industry-leading knee implants to help surgeons personalize knee replacement surgery for patients. The ROSA system offers a more precise knee implant fit. The ROSA knee system includes features to assist with bone resections and assessing the state of soft tissues to facilitate implant positioning intraoperatively. Data provided by the robot enables surgeons to use computer and software technology to control and move surgical instruments, allowing for greater precision and flexibility during procedures. The result is a highly personalized approach that eliminates many of the problems associated with traditional knee replacements.

Visit to learn more about the procedure.

Ventura River settlement agreement and monitoring of flow in the Ventura River

“This is a meaningful commitment to preserve river flows.”

The City of San Buenaventura and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, a local environmental group, have announced an amendment to their settlement agreement in the lawsuit regarding the pumping and diversion of water from the Ventura River Watershed. Both Channelkeeper and the City remain committed to ensuring the protection of this local water source and the species that rely on it. The ongoing collaboration enables dialogue toward a locally developed solution to continue moving forward.

Under the modified terms, the City will continue the Pilot Program it implemented in 2019 to reduce its pumping and diversion of water from the Ventura River when flows drop during dry times, in order to help protect wildlife that depend on the river. The Pilot Program was originally set to expire in March of 2020, however, the City continues to honor the flow regime set in place. The most notable change with the amendment is that the City will shut down most of its pumping facilities at Foster Park when flows drop below 4 cubic feet per second (CFS), and stop all production when flows drop below 3 CFS instead of 2 CFS. The City will also use its two new gauges at Foster Park to monitor the impacts, if any, its pumping has on flow in the river at these levels.

Additionally, the City and Channelkeeper have agreed to keep a dialogue open to identify additional ways to work collaboratively on other Watershed and habitat-related public relations efforts.

“We are pleased to continue this important dialogue with Channelkeeper, and I believe this amendment strikes a balance of addressing our concerns for the species and habitat while also meeting the needs of serving our customers,” said Susan Rungren, Ventura Water’s General Manager.

“This is a meaningful commitment to preserve river flows until a long-term solution is finalized, and we are glad to have been able to reach it through dialogue with the City,” said Ben Pitterle, Channelkeeper’s Science and Policy Director. The original agreement and this amendment provide added assurance to Channelkeeper for the better protection of steelhead during the dry season while the City works with other parties to propose a long-term framework that protects the Ventura River for steelhead and other instream uses and for the needs of water users, recreation, and the local economy.