Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Ventura Land Trust believes in equitable access to open space

Volunteers planted 25 trees.

The Ventura Land Trust celebrated the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. with the MLK National Day of Service. Ventura Land Trust staff and a small group of volunteers spent the morning at Harmon Canyon Preserve planting 25 coast live oak and sycamore trees at the trailhead and around the parking area. These trees will grow on the preserve as symbols of their commitment to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of equity and equality in society. Ventura Land Trust believes in equitable access to open space, which is why the preserves are open daily to the public, dawn to dusk, for free.

There are ways for everyone to roll up your sleeves to improve the community every day: learn about issues around conservation and environmental justice, plant a native plant garden at home, pick up trash on our beaches, (wear gloves or use a grabber tool!), or support Ventura Land Trust or another organization with membership or a donation.

Ventura County Leadership Academy announces new board member

Ventura County Leadership Academy recently announced the addition of Darren Kettle to its board of directors.  “Our board is comprised of a dedicated team of community leaders committed to strengthening our county. We’re excited to have Darren join the board, bringing his knowledge, passion, and expertise to further our mission.” said Brad “Brick” Conners, Ventura County Leadership Academy’s board president.

Darren is the Executive Director of the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), a position he started in October 2007.  In his service to VCTC, Darren leads a team of transportation professionals focused on improving transportation planning, making data driven decisions to ensure the smart investment of transportation funds on transportation projects, ranging from freeway and highway projects to bicycle and pedestrian projects and bus and rail projects. Darren has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Master’s in Public Administration from California State University, San Bernardino.

VCLA was founded in 1994 and delivers on its mission of “connecting people and issues to strengthen our county” by developing, educating, and inspiring a diverse group of leaders who aspire to enhance the quality of life in Ventura County.

For more information about Ventura County Leadership Academy please contact Pattie Braga via phone: (805) 797-3985 or email: [email protected]

Girl Scouts has kicked off the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie season

The Girl Scout Cookie Program has long taught girls how to run a business.

Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) has kicked off the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie season nationally, during a challenging time when many Girl Scouts are selling in creative, socially distant, and contact-free ways to keep themselves and their customers safe. Even in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, girls are adapting their sales methods to share the joy of Girl Scout Cookies through the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program—including taking contact-free pickup and delivery orders through a new national collaboration with Grubhub. Additionally, GSUSA is making online cookie ordering available nationwide on February 1 so consumers who don’t know a Girl Scout can still purchase cookies from a local troop for direct shipment to their homes or donation to local organizations.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program has long taught girls how to run a business via in-person booths, door-to-door activity, and the Digital Cookie® platform online, which GSUSA launched in 2014. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the middle of the 2020 season and girls were faced with the same challenges as other small businesses, girls in the Central Coast quickly pivoted their sales methods. From marketing their cookie businesses online to facilitating orders that ship directly to customers’ door, girls as young as five years old are continuing to embrace their entrepreneurial spirits, stay connected to their communities, and have fun by participating in the cookie program. And, the proceeds from each and every purchase stay local with the troop and its council to power Girl Scouts’ essential leadership programming.

For all locations and their corresponding business hours, visit for more information. As always, the proceeds benefit the troop and council while providing another innovative way to safely run the cookie program virtually. GSUSA is grateful to Grubhub for waiving all fees for the organization to make this new delivery option feasible for sales without reducing troops’ and councils’ proceeds.

This year, Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast will offer the new Toast-Yay!™ cookie, a French toast–inspired cookie dipped in delicious icing and full of flavor in every bite. Toast-Yay! gives consumers a new way to celebrate moments of joy alongside other favorites, like Thin Mints® and Caramel deLites®. And though social distancing measures may keep families and friends apart, cookie customers can share joy and stay connected this season through a gift-box option that ships directly to others via the Digital Cookie platform.

Girl Scout Cookie season is recognized in the Central Coast through March 14, 2021. Consumers can support Girl Scouts by purchasing Thin Mints®, Peanut Butter Patties®, Shortbread ®, and more in a few different ways:

If you don’t know a Girl Scout, visit, text COOKIES to 59618 (message and data rates may apply. Text STOPGS for STOP, HELPGS for help), or use the official Girl Scout Cookie Finder app for free on iOS or Android devices to find cookies in your area.

Ventura Audubon Society Program Speaker Event

February 9th, at 7pm, via Zoom – Brent Paull’s California Wildlife Collection

Free to the public, join us through the Zoom link that can be found on our website under Chapter Programs/Monthly Speakers. The link to our website is also provided here,

Brent Paull was born in California and has since traveled across the west to photograph American landscapes and wildlife. He has over 1400 publication credits, 30 published articles, and 12 magazine covers. He has shot in 18 National Parks, dozens of National Monuments, and National Wildlife Refuges throughout the American West. Join us for this virtual presentation wherein Brent Paull will share his collection of California Wildlife images and his unique experiences as a photographer.

Author/journalist Ivor Davis launches Zoom interview series for Ventura County Museum

After the wildly successful, members-only Zoom series Behind the Scenes with Ivor Davis wrapped up this past fall, the Museum of Ventura County is thrilled to present Ivor Davis: Up Close and Personal, a new Zoom series featuring a rotating guest list of notable and celebrated Ventura County residents, including Chris Hillman, Malcolm McDowell, Miriam Arichea, and more. This new series is free and open to the public with registration.

The first interview guest was musician Chris Hillman, formerly of the Byrds, Flying Burrito Brothers, and Rock and Roll Inductee.

February 4, is legendary actor and Ventura County resident Malcolm McDowell, winner of Ojai Film Festival Lifetime Achievement Award, whose career has spanned over 50-years–and star of scores of movies including the iconic Clockwork Orange, Caligula, Bombshell, Time After Time, TV series Entourage and Mozart in the Jungle.

February 25: Miriam Arichea, Appeals court lawyer, a concert pianist with local symphony orchestras, director of Rubicon Harmony choir programs, mock trial high school teacher–and all-around Renaissance Woman.

You are invited to join us on Zoom at 6:30—7:30 pm for the first in this series with musician Chris Hillman. Among the conversation topics, Ivor Davis will interview Chris Hillman about his recent memoir, “Time Between: My Life as a Byrd, Burrito Brother, and Beyond,” his time living in Ventura County, his rock’ n roll roots, and much more. This is not to be missed!

Registration is free, and a suggested donation in any amount will allow the Museum to continue providing valuable programming. If you can, please support this programming and the Museum through one of our annual membership levels; when you support the Museum, you support your community.

Coverly Professional Services, Inc. announces newly hired Communications Specialist

Howell will be responsible for strategizing and implementing editorial opportunities.

Closing out its 10th Anniversary year, Coverly Professional Services, Inc. (CoverlyPro) announced that Maaeah Howell has joined the team as a Communications Specialist. In this capacity, Howell will be responsible for strategizing and implementing editorial opportunities for clients, delivering SEO empowered copywriting, and supporting social media efforts with analytics, engagement, and developmental growth.

The forward-thinking, marketing project management firm welcomed Howell in early January. She brings with her a strong journalism background, with a focus in copy and ghostwriting. A native German speaker, Howell has experience as a content creator, blogger and brand ambassador with an emphasis on targeting global audiences. Howell offers a creative and analytical perspective, and incorporates her international experiences gained through studying, working, and living abroad as leverage to reach worldwide engagement.

“Maaeah is a welcome addition to our growing team,” said Lynnette Coverly, Founder and CEO of Coverly Professional Services, Inc. “Her real-life experiences of living and working abroad have given her a global perspective so needed in our world today. Certainly, our clients and our team will benefit from her unique perspectives.” CoverlyPro remains committed to embracing staff with diverse backgrounds to fit its multi-faceted client portfolio.

From everyone at Diversity Collective Ventura County – Thank you!

It’s almost trite to use the word “unprecedented” at this point, but that was 2020. We have all been hit by the pandemic in some way. But with your support, DCVC has prevailed and we are looking forward to a bright and healthy 2021.

In 2020, we were challenged early on and without warning to have to cancel our AIDS Walk event, asking participants to create something personal to continue the event on their own. You stepped up and a virtual event was formed. It wasn’t easy, but we did it. Together.

We then had to look to our Community Resource Center – a safe and healthy space for our community to gather. It was shuttered to further reduce the spread of COVID19, as well as comply with state mandates. We created our “Stay Safe Drive Through” events where anyone could come and get information, safe sex kits, masks, and hand sanitizer while maintaining social distance.

Virtual PRIDE was incredibly successful, and the amazing team that pulled it together included volunteers, staff, and board members. We reached viewership outside of Ventura County: San Francisco, New York City, and of course Los Angeles, all brought in viewers to enjoy a drag show, a contest, and lighthearted conversations from allies and friends.

With the experience we gained from the two former virtual events, it was a somber pleasure to bring Transgender Day of Remembrance to you. As we remembered those who went before us, we also took pride in where we stand as a community and look forward to the long road ahead.

You may have noticed that the Gala, usually in autumn, was non-existent. The Board of Directors felt that this is one event that really warrants a live audience, and we have postponed it for now. There are so many incredible people and organizations that have helped us along the way, we wish to honor them the way they deserve: in front of their peers and community.

Rainbow Umbrella is thriving and our youth are finding that virtual interaction is enlightening and fun. We have so many awesome things planned for 2021 – stay tuned. Speaking of youth, one of the good things to come out of this year is our new program, Little Unicorns, for LGBTQ, questioning, and ally kids ages 9-12. We commenced this program in October, and we already have a following of kids enjoying a place of inclusion and acceptance.

All these things happened because you cared enough to support our cause. THANK YOU!

To begin the new year, we are proud to announce that Tess Allen will be stepping into the role of Executive Director. Tess has worked in Development and Fundraising for many years, and we look forward to her leadership.

Just visit our website and click on the donation button. While you are there, please consider becoming a sustaining GEM (Give Every Month) member to receive more perks and information as we travel the year ahead!

Escape for a whale watch trip or island excursion to the Channel Island National park soon!

Because of the spike in Covid-19 cases in Ventura County, Island Packers, boat concessionaire to Channel Islands National Park, public boat transportation has been closed since December 21st. For the sake of all those affected by the pandemic they hope the numbers soon drop significantly. Once hospital capacities exceed 15%, they expect to be given the green light by the County to resume safe operations for transportation to the National Park and Marine Sanctuary.

All trips will continue to run at just 50% capacity with pandemic protocols still in place. (Visit for a detailed description.) The staff are well trained in the protocols and they have a good track record in keeping passengers safe and comfortable.

The office and gift shop are currently open daily (except Wednesdays) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for information and reservations. Once open boat trips will fill quickly as we are entering the high season.

Please consider reserving your trip well in advance by telephone or by booking online. If there are extended closures due to continued high case numbers, we will contact you to either reschedule, remain on hold, or receive a refund.

Gray Whales will continue to migrate through the region until mid-April, and we have also had sporadic sightings of Humpbacks and Orca. The island trails will be greening up soon. Come on out to whale watch, hike, kayak, camp, explore, and adventure.

Island Packers staff and management thank you for all your support. Because of you, we will get through this challenging time.

Once Ventura had an opera house

by Richard Senate

It opened its doors in December of 1904. It once stood in two-story magnificence at 461 E. Santa Clara Street, built by Banker John Lagomarsino. The wooden theater served the cultural needs of the community for well over thirty years. It opened with the musical comedy “Showgirl” performed by a company brought in by train from The Grand Theater in San Francisco.

When built it was called one of the best playhouses in the state. It was owned and operated by Lagamarsino (who lived next door) but in truth the whole community felt it owned the opera house. Two local amateur company’s used the theater between traveling shows. Over the years many well known groups and actors perform on her stage. Once the Famous Georgia Minstrels played here. It was a unique show that featured an all-black cast. In 1908 and 1909 William S. Hart appeared here in the play “The Virginian” before he became a world famous cowboy star in the movies. Actress Gertrude Lawrence played here in the popular Christmas play “Babes in Toyland.” According to Emilio Lagomarsino, the son of the builder, on the night of November 12th, 1908 the first motion picture ever projected in Ventura was shown on a large sheet, with a hand cranked projector.

The next day the Free Press Newspaper wrote; “Charles Walkers moving pictures were a big hit. The pictures were good and the singing first class.” In the days of silent film, the movies were accompanied by musical groups and singing. In truth, silent films were never really silent. In 1918 the classic film “Hearts of the World” was projected at the Opera House but new theaters were being built and by 1913 three silent movie houses were offering films.

The old drafty Opera House was seen as a relic of another time. Traveling companies came few and fewer as they were replaced by films. The old Opera was closed and, for a time, became a Baptist Church. Lastly, Mr. Lagomarino used it as a warehouse for his illegal  liquor business. By the late 1930s it was demolished. Perhaps, it should be re-built in the downtown of Ventura, a place where local amateur theatrical companies could offer plays to the public, foreign and art films shown as well as classics of the silent screen (with organ accompaniment—or an orchestra perhaps?) Maybe travelogues or lectures or surf films could be offered. Maybe an Opera house might once again provide an ideal focal point for the cultural life of Ventura, as it was in the early years of the Twentieth Century?

The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends

by Jill Forman

Cool things going on at your virtual library!

Brainfuse HelpNow eLearning for all ages and levels

Homework Help – Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests.

Personalized eLearning Tools – My File Sharing, My Session Replay, My Tutoring Archive, My Tests Archive, and more!
24-Hour Writing Lab – Submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive feedback.
Adult Learning Center – Access a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more!
Foreign Language Lab /Spanish-Speaking Support

Begin now at


Brainfuse also has a program for veterans called JobNow /Vet Now.  Both are available on our website under JobNow/VetNow

Virtual Discover Science – This monthly exploration of science and physics topics is now virtual on Zoom. For Grades K-5. Materials will be available for pick up at Avenue, Foster, Hill Road, and Saticoy Libraries. Registration available online. Library website, “Events” tab. The link event will be provided through registration

New at the Online StoreThe Online Bookstore has updated the Cookbooks section with dozens of new cookbooks for everyone’s palate. There is a new Great Gift Idea category with things moved over from Holiday Items, a new music category and a new Travel and Trivia category to be expanded soon. Under fiction, a subcategory of historical fiction has been added, so look for more there soon. We continue to offer $5 bags of books as well as an ever-changing inventory of fiction and non-fiction for adults and youth.

Book DonationsWe appreciate all the books donated to us.  However, at Hill Road on Tuesdays and Saturdays, please bring no more than  2 small boxes at a time. Our volunteers have to lift boxes into and out of cars and this may be very difficult for some.  Please bring donations of more than 2 boxes to the warehouse at 11251 Riverbank Drive on Monday or Friday from 9 to 11 am or by appointment — email [email protected]

Friends of the Library Funding

Per Nancy Schram, Library Services Director, “The $17,000 provided to the Ventura County Library for the Ventura Libraries in October was allocated to library collections as follows: 40% Foster Library, 30% Hill Road, 15% Avenue, 15% Saticoy.
The 40% allocated to the E.P. Foster Library was additionally evenly divided between adult and children’s materials, as we have done in the past years.
These funds enabled the library to purchase an estimated 700 books for the library collections.
…The first and foremost priority for Friends funding remains the library collections at the Ventura libraries. We are working hard to bring the per capita expenditure on materials in the Ventura libraries up to the state average. …Additional needs include technology (such as Computer and Internet Kits for loan or Laptop Lending Kiosks), supplies, and Summer Reading Programs.
…We very much appreciate the Friends’ ongoing support which has tremendous positive impact on library services in Ventura.”