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Surfrider volunteers: Making a wave of difference in our community

Surfrider volunteers cleaning up Ormand Beach. Photo by Vince Kinsch.

Sustainability Now News
by Maryann Ridini Spencer

The Surfrider Foundation, dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches, organizes activities, champions for policy change, and fights legal battles for our coasts.

Tuesday, April 2, Surfrider’s Ventura County Chapter will be holding its annual Core Volunteer Orientation and Chapter Meeting and Social from 6:30-8: 00 pm at Patagonia, 235 W. Santa Clara Street.  The event will feature food, drinks, and prizes for attendees.

“The purpose of this meeting is to get everyone psyched up for our busiest time of year – Earth Month and summer,” said Sadie L. Iverson, Vice-Chair Surfrider Foundation Ventura County Chapter.  “The meeting will be interactive, and attendees will learn all about Surfrider’s mission as well as get the information and skills they need to take their volunteering to the next level.”

Volunteers of all ages and walks of life are welcomed into the Surfrider fold, the only requirements being an interest, or a passion for contributing to and helping to find solutions for the issues that impact our oceans, waves, and beaches.

“Our monthly chapter meetings usually feature a guest speaker, but for this meeting, we’ll be reviewing what it means to be a Surfrider volunteer,” said Iverson. “Chapter leaders will also share their stories and photos from previous events and talk about upcoming activities and projects.”

A few of the activities one can expect as a volunteer include beach cleanups and building and planting Ocean Friendly Gardens.

“We also have jobs that can be done from home, such as data entry,” continued Iverson.  “For those individuals on a schedule, we also have jobs like tabling and outreach at events. For those with more flexibility, we have activities like “Hold On To Your Butt,” ashcan patrol which involves assisting with the monitoring of the chapter’s ever-expanding network of ashcans (for cigarette butt disposal). We also need support in the areas of accounting, technology, HR, and fundraising efforts for the cause.”

If a community member has a volunteer idea that fits in with the Surfrider mission (found at, the organization will entertain that possibility..

“Our volunteers spend approximately three to twenty hours a month with us,” continued Iverson.  “Since all our chapters are local and grassroots-based, when someone volunteers with us, they’ll be working on issues facing us right here in Ventura County.”

In addition to helping the mission, volunteers also experience camaraderie with like-minded individuals and enjoy being part of a community of people that are working to make a difference in the sustainability of our community.

Upcoming Volunteer Events

OFG Installations – Projects to be determined shortly

Beach Cleanups – Monthly beach cleanups from California Street to Surfer’s Point are the fourth Saturday of every month except September (when the Chapter participates in the annual Coastal Cleanup Day). In addition to Ventura beaches, the chapter will be coordinating Oxnard beach cleanups.

The Ocean Friendly Restaurant Committee — Volunteers are needed to help visit Ventura County restaurants to speak with and encourage restaurant owners to become a part of this network of restaurants which foster community sustainability through environmentally-friendly practices.

The Blue Water Task Force — Volunteers are needed to be a part of a rapid response team which requires taking water samples after big storm events. There are also opportunities to assist with Surfrider Ventura County’s partnership with Foothill Technology High School. The high school program runs from November through March (weekly water testing) and volunteers would assist with tasks such as collecting water samples, teaching students to test the water samples, and reading results.

To volunteer with Surfrider Ventura County, contact [email protected].

If you have a sustainable story tip or event, message Maryann on

New Social Services for Veterans added to Salvation Army Transitional Housing Facility

Senior Case Manager Jimmy Pete helps determine the eligibility of candidates for services at the facility.

by Amy Brown

The Salvation Army Family Service Center on Oak Street in Ventura has received a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and now has a new five bed section for transitional housing specifically for homeless veterans. The section now makes a total of 17 beds, in addition to the existing eight for men, and four for women in the large facility. The 24/7 center provides housing, three meals a day, case management, and healthcare benefits, all geared towards helping individuals make the transition from homelessness to a range of housing options in the area. The new veteran’s section was added in January of this year, and has been full ever since, according to Salvation Army Program Director Sandra Troxell. “It’s a great time to be a veteran—we’ve seen the most services ever offered during this time,” says Troxell. “Our organization is well connected with providers both in and out of the county, and we are accepting veteran candidates not just locally, but from all over the country.”

According to Troxell, most clients stay at the facility for an average of 90 days, although some emergency cases may only stay for 30. With the current area housing crisis, average local Ventura County rents are extremely high, availability is low, and many veterans have fixed incomes of only about $900 per month. Approximately 50 candidates for the transitional housing services come to the Oak Street facility per month to seek help. “Some are referrals, some just come and knock on the gate, and either way I sit down right down with them to see if they are eligible” says Jimmy Pete, Salvation Army Senior Case Manager. “Veteran candidates are provided with even more coordinated and streamlined efforts, including working with County Behavioral Health. Each vet gets six different types of workers on his or her case from both Los Angeles and Ventura.”

The facility’s team provides up to six months of case management after placements, to provide home visits, make sure that each client is doing well, and has no problems with landlords or neighbors. The center is also planning to recruit for a Housing Navigator position, to further interface and advocate for veterans after they are connected with landlords. Pete shares that those transitioning from homelessness to housing opportunities need coaching and retraining assistance. “We provide help with some things that many of us might take for granted, including hygiene and even how to use a day planner,” he says. “These are clients that might have at one point graduated from college, but now they are just beaten down from being homeless and need the support.”

Another new offering from the Family Service Center on Oak Street is for the community as a whole. The facility has a professional eye clinic, which is funded and partially staffed by volunteers from the Rotary Club and the Lion’s Club. The new weekly clinic hours are Tuesdays from 9am-11am and are open to the public, no questions asked, with a local optometrist providing free eye exams, glasses and other services. The public is encouraged to arrive early, as it is first come, first served and limited to the first six of seven cases each week.

“That is what I love about the Salvation Army,” shares Troxell. “It’s ever changing; the organization is able to see what the community needs, and has a great ability to adapt, ask what does the community need, and adjust to fill that gap.”

Ventura to host 1st Annual Walk For Kids

Hundreds of supporters are anticipated to come together in support of critically ill children and their families to help raise funds and awareness at the first-ever Ventura Walk for Kids. The fun, family-friendly 5k event aims to raise $125,000 for programs supporting families who are caring for a child with a serious injury or illness. All of the funds raised at Walk for Kids in Ventura will support the future Ronald McDonald Family Room at Ventura County Medical Center (scheduled to open in 2020).

To learn more about Walk for Kids, donate directly or register by starting or joining a team for $25, visit Registration Fee: Adults (18+), $25; Children are free.

Sunday, April 7, 7:00 a.m. Registration and Activities
8:15 a.m. Opening Ceremony
9:00 a.m. Walk for Kids Begins
San Buenaventura State Beach 901 San Pedro Street

Las Patronas Auxiliary Assistance League® of Ventura County

Las Patronas Board Members Leslie O’Brien, Michele Borchard, Lori Swanson, Wendy Eales and Rebecca Pecsok celebrated at the ball.

A family tradition for 62 years, the Las Patronas Ball celebrated a masquerade theme this year.

The guests were welcomed by Las Patronas Chairman, Michele Borchard who presided as Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

It was a magical evening for the Las Patronas Masquerade Ball, held at the newly renovated Ventura Beach Marriott. The ballroom was filled with exquisite floral arrangements and masquerade inspired decorations. Glowing lanterns and natural tree boughs illuminated the ballroom and stage as well as mood lighting complementing the masquerade theme. Colorful masks of all types were worn by many of the guests from traditional Venetian to feather and jewel designs. The evening included a cocktail hour, a delicious dinner and dancing to the live music of Art Deco. A live auction and photo booth were included this year and really added to the festivities.

A special guest speaker, Sally Keevy, spoke about The Assistance League School, which provides special education and therapeutic intervention for preschool children with developmental delays. Las Patronas Auxiliary was founded to support the creation of the school. The sole mission of the Las Patronas Auxiliary is to hold annual events to benefit the philanthropic programs of Assistance League® of Ventura County

All proceeds from the ball benefit these philanthropic programs, which include the Assistance League School, Girls Club/Teen Club, B.U.F.F.Y. Bear and Operation School Bell ®. The Vision for Assistance League of Ventura County is to create “A Brighter Tomorrow for Today’s Children.”

Festivities with CAPS Media

Evan Carpenter, Jerry Breiner and Tim O’Neil at the 2019 St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

The CAPS Media Crew captured the St. Patrick’s Day Parade festivities, broadcasting and live streaming Ventura’s 31st annual celebration on channel 6 and on More than seventy groups and performers joined in the fun and entertained thousands of parade watchers gathered along Main Street in Ventura.

The following Saturday CAPS recorded the annual Ventura Unified School District Festival of Talent extravaganza at Ventura High School. More than twenty individual and talented acts performed in the entertaining two-hour production. Now in its 18th year, Festival of Talent is the largest fundraising event for Ventura Education Partnership. Proceeds support innovative classroom grants through the VEP Grants program.

The majority of the crew members for both the St Patrick’s Day Parade and the Festival of Talent productions are volunteers from our community including CAPS Media Member/Producers and students in the CAPS/El Camino High School media program (ECTV). Everyone donates their time and talent for these worthwhile and entertaining events (plus it is always fun to be part of the CAPS crew). The parade and talent show programs will replay on CAPS Media channel 6 over the next few weeks. Go to to find the days and times.

CAPS Media is collaborating with the Ventura Police Department on an ongoing series of community awareness and information projects. Coordinated by Ashley Bautista, VPD Community Outreach Specialist, the projects include a series of traffic safety videos providing drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists with accurate “rules of the road.” The new series is in addition to the ongoing VPD community updates and crime prevention tips produced by CAPS.

If you are part of a faith-based organization in Ventura, consider having your weekly services air on CAPS Media. As a CAPS member you will receive training in how to use the recording equipment and will be able to check out the equipment needed to record your service. Then it is a simple process to have your service air on CAPS Media channel 6 and stream on To learn more, drop a note of inquiry to [email protected] or give us a call at 805.658.0500.

Are you interested in learning how to produce a radio show or television program? Do you have a story to tell? Consider joining the growing CAPS Media community of member/producers. If you have an interest in community television or radio production, or are just curious, drop by the CAPS Media Center on the first Thursday of the month and learn how to become a member of CAPS and join our community of enthusiastic and engaged member/producers. The informal orientation class will provide all the information you need and answer any questions you may have. For a low membership fee of $25 a year you will receive hands-on instruction in videography, video editing, radio production (additional fee required) and more. You will have access to CAPS Media’s state-of-the-art facilities including video cameras, editing systems and our fully equipped studio. As a Member/Producer you will receive invites to special events including our Producers Caucus where you can network with other producers and engage in lively and informative discussions. Don’t miss out. Go to for information or call 805-658-0500.

VCAAA’s Fundraising Arm has a new name, logo, website, and expanded purpose

Obtaining legal services from the VCAAA is very helpful.

The Board of what was called the Senior NutritAction Council (SNAC) announced a name change for the organization: Ventura County Area Agency on Agency Foundation (VCAAAF). Along with its new name, logo and website at, the nonprofit has an expanded mission to provide support beyond nutrition services to include all Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) programs and activities, such as housing, care management, legal services, in-home and caregiver services, and many other services in demand that aim to improve the lives of seniors, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers.

“Our seniors need more than just food; they also need a ride to an appointment, help with public benefits applications, minor home repairs, and sometimes a friendly call from someone who cares,” said Lynn McReynolds, President of the VCAAAF Board of Directors. “Knowing that so many seniors in our community are on waitlists for these and other desperately needed services, we decided to expand our organization’s mission to bring together more resources to help fill in these gaps. Our new name more clearly defines what we do to support all VCAAA services and programs.”

For more than 25 years, this 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit foundation has been dedicated to conquering hunger by reaching out to the aging population and isolated seniors located in Ventura County. However, each year a growing number of underserved older adults in our community are placed on waitlists for services that go beyond VCAAA’s nutrition program. To better understand the gaps in services for older adults in our local neighborhoods, the Foundation expanded its mission and is seeking funding to assist in enhancing and maintaining community-based systems of care that provide multiple services for individuals that support independence and protect the quality of life of older persons and persons with functional impairments.

The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation (Tax ID: 77-0168920) organized exclusively to support the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging programs and services. The mission of the Foundation is to raise funds and generate support for VCAAA programs that endeavor to improve the lives of those 60 years of age and older, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in all communities within Ventura County.

For more information or to make a donation, please visit

Wish Kid cares for zoo animals

Payton and her new Koala friend.

Payton Davis loves animals and wants to become a veterinarian when she grows up. She loves the San Diego Zoo, and always wanted a behind the scenes tour of how it operates. Kids Wish Network, a children’s charity that grants wishes for kids with life-threatening illnesses, heard about Payton’s dream and set up a trip for her and her family to visit the San Diego Zoo and be a zoo-keeper for a day.

Payton and her family drove to San Diego for her big animal adventure. During their trip, they stayed at the wonderful Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. Payton loved the relaxing hotel located right on the water, especially the giant fish tank on display in the lobby. She suffers from Crohn’s disease and has been hospitalized because of her condition.

Payton’s zoo experience began the next morning. She was thrilled to have a one-on-one zoo keeper experience where she interacted and worked with a bunch of animals including giraffes, zebras, donkeys, a koala bear, gazelles, and Payton’s absolute favorite animal, the armadillo. “They remind me of Roly Polies,” said Payton. She loved spending time with the armadillo and even got to pet and wash it. She also fed the giraffes and gazelles and got to bathe and hold a koala.

After her awesome behind the scenes encounters, Payton and her family spent the rest of the day exploring the magnificent San Diego Zoo. Anna, the zoo representative even gave Payton a cute sloth stuffed animal as a special remembrance of her amazing day. Afterwards, the family enjoyed a delicious dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.

“It was thrilling for us to provide Payton with the San Diego Zoo’s Keeper for A Day experience, enabling her to explore her dream job through hands-on participation with her favorite animals,” said Kids Wish Network Executive Director Tam Lai.

Kids Wish Network is a national charitable organization dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children with life-threatening conditions and struggling with life-altering situations. KWN provides trip expenses, meals, accommodations and additional spending monies to all wish families whenever traveling as applicable. Visit to learn about our different programs and find out how you can help make dreams come true and sponsor a wish for a deserving child.

Payton is a student at Cabrillo Middle School.

Easter Basket Drive for children being held at the Ventura County Medical Center

Bring joy to local children battling cancer.

Join the Ventura Police Department in bringing joy to local children battling cancer at the Ventura County Medical Center. The community is invited to help Ventura Police Officers and the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation create Easter baskets for these special children. Donations are accepted until April 5.

Community members can donate completed baskets or items to fill a basket. Requested items include: individually wrapped candy, individual chocolate bunnies, new stuffed animals, small toys and games, craft supplies, coloring books and crayons, books, gift cards and anything else that would be fun for a child while they receive treatment.

Items are accepted at the Ventura Police Department lobby located at 1425 Dowell Drive, Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Please call 805-339-4317 or email [email protected] for more information.

Housing Authority awarded grant to continue family self-sufficiency services

The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (HACSB) has received over $65,000 in funds through the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to administer HACSB’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program. HACSB’s FSS Program is a service provided to residents and participants in Public Housing & Housing Choice Voucher programs to increase their earned income and reduce their dependency on public assistance and rental subsidies.

The FSS program is designed to assist families and individuals become financially independent and welfare free. Participation in the program is voluntary and requires a personal commitment by each individual. In exchange, participants receive case management services and the opportunity to establish an escrow savings account. The FSS escrow account can be established based on increases in the family’s earned income during the term of the FSS contract. The FSS program is 5 years in length and upon successful completion, participants can receive what is in their escrow account and use for any purpose, including debt reduction, educational expenses, or a down payment on a home.

HACSB’s Chief Executive Officer Denise Wise said, “The Housing Authority has been working with our participants to ease reliance on public assistance programs and achieve financial sustainability as families. While it is challenging in the area to make the jump off of public assistance programs, we have dedicated families who are reaching their goals every day.”

The latest graduate to complete their FSS commitment received an escrow check for over $34,000 toward their goal of homeownership. HACSB plans to continue administering this successful program, assisting participants in achieving their financial goals.

The HACSB is the largest residential landlord in the City of Ventura, with 376 public housing units, more than 1,500 Section 8 vouchers, and over 450 non-profit affordable rental units. The agency is actively working to increase the supply of affordable housing and to improve the quality of life for hundreds more of the low-income residents throughout the City of Ventura.