Aging & Disability Resource Center partners with the Independent Living Resource Center

by Carol Leish, MA

“The Ventura County Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) provides a coordinated point of entry to ensure that older adults (over age 60), people with disabilities (of all ages), and caregivers have access to the services and supports needed to remain independent in the community,” according to, Denise Noguera-Valenzuela, MSG, Call Center Manager, Area Agency on Aging.  “The ADRC is comprised of a partnership between the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging and the Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. (ILRC).”

“The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) became part of the Human Services Agency (HSA) on July 1, 2023. The VCAAA’s programs (such as the Aging & Disability Resource Center partnership with the Independent Living Resource Center), are devoted to older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. The new structure has been designed to create a more streamlined process to serve these populations.” (Roger Horne, ‘LiveWell,’ 2024, pg. 4)

Core service areas provided by the ADRC include: 1) Enhanced information and referral 2) Options counseling 3) Short-term services coordination and 4) Transition services. “We use the ‘No Wrong Door’ approach, in which long-term services are streamlined,” according to Noguera-Valenzuela. “This happens through ADRC transition advocates who facilitate transitions for individuals from hospitals, nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, or any other institutional settings back to their homes. Living in the community is significantly more cost effective compared to institutional living. More importantly, it increases quality of life and improves overall health outcomes.  People are happier to live independently, with added support in their home.  Added support that individuals can get from us include:  1) Caregiving support 2) Nutrition services (home delivered meals), and 3) Home Modifications (grab bars/ramps, etc.)”

Information and referral are enhanced through person centered care and screening.  Noguera-Valenzuela said, “Every contact we receive is handled in a way that is tailored to the person’s needs.  And, with the ‘No Wrong Door’ philosophy, we see what the person wants, or what they are looking for and coordinate and connect them to the service that best supports their needs. Through ‘warm referrals,’ we are better able to remove barriers and provide coordinated systems of care. Our short-term (90 days or less) or one-time services may deal with transportation; meals; or bridging the gap for someone to avoid long term institution.”

Through a warm hand off to Transition Services for example, the Independent Living Resource Center (ILRC) helps facilitate the change from hospital to home or care facility.  People can get back into the community with the help of ILRC.

ILRC promotes independent living and full access for people with disabilities. Visit, call 805-650-5993 or contact the Deputy Director, Alexa Martin at 805-650-5993 ext. 202 or email her at [email protected].

The Aging & Disability Resource Center does provide both public and private help that deals with both medical and nonmedical concerns. There are different eligibility criteria for different programs and services. For more information, contact Denise Noguera-Valenzuela at [email protected] or [email protected] or call 805-477-7300.