Use video calling to help you see your doctor

“Doctor my hand hurts.”

Telehealth is a service that uses video calling and other technologies to help you see your doctor or other health care provider from home instead of at a medical facility. It can often be easier, faster, and less expensive than waiting for and traveling to an in-person appointment. And during the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be a safer option for routine visits. Telehealth may be particularly helpful if you have limited mobility or live in a rural area.

You can set yourself up for a successful visit by taking a few minutes before your appointment to prepare. Consider the following tips:

Test the camera in advance. Practice with a family member or a friend to make sure you understand how to use your camera before your online doctor visit.

Test the sound and video on your device. Most devices have built-in microphones and speakers, but you may have to turn them on or allow the telehealth software or website to access them.

Use the best internet connection possible. If you are using Wi-Fi, being physically close to the internet router and minimizing the number of devices connected to it can help improve your connection.

Position yourself. Place your device on a sturdy surface. Try positioning your device so your head and shoulders are in the camera frame.

Find more telehealth information, including other tips and information about insurance coverage, on NIA’s website.

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