Ventura County Watershed Protection District announces community meeting

On Wednesday, Sept. 26, Ventura County Public Works Agency’s Watershed Protection District will hold a community meeting to share the latest developments and anticipated path for the Ventura River Levee (VR-1) Rehabilitation Project.

The Ventura River Levee (VCWPD VR-1, FEMA ID No. 53) consists of bank protection and other improvements intended to provide flood protection for areas along the river such as residential and recreational properties in low-lying areas behind the levee structure within the floodplain of the Ventura River in the City of San Buenaventura in Ventura County.  The VR-1 levee system will ultimately protect 759 homes and structures in Ventura County. The project begins at its downstream end at the Pacific Ocean and extends upstream along the Ventura River to its upstream end downstream of Caňada de San Joaquin. The overall length of the levee is approximately 2.65 miles, with an embankment height up to 10 feet above natural ground on the landward side

Designed by the U.S Army Corp of Engineers in 1949, the VR-1 levee system is now owned and maintained by Ventura County Watershed Protection District. As of 2009, it was determined that the VR-1 levee system does not meet FEMA Levee Certification standards, and requires rehabilitation to repair VR-1 levee deficiencies.

VR-1 requires bank protection and other improvements designed to provide flood protection for approximately 2.65 miles along the Ventura River that will ultimately protect 759 homes and structures in Ventura County.

“The VR-1 community meeting serves to educate the general public of the current rehabilitation project, and offers a platform for our community members to ask questions and provide valuable feedback about project’s direct impact on Ventura County residents,” said Glenn Shephard, Director of Ventura County Watershed Protection District.

Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Bell Arts Factory-Janet Addison Community Room, 432 North Ventura Ave.

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