Iridescence: The Art of Ira Winarsky on exhibit at Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts

art WinarskyThe Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts is pleased to present Iridescence: The Art of Ira Winarsky, an exhibition that shares the artist’s reinvention of ceramic sculpture as a means of exploring abstraction, light and reflection. The exhibition will be presented until August 13.

Sculptor and artist Ira Winarsky (1942-2015) spent the last 25 years of his life entirely focused on exploring the potential of the ceramic medium. The artist explored bold new approaches by utilizing clay as a fine art medium


Iridescence: The Art of Ira Winarsky on exhibit at Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts that shares the artist’s reinvention of ceramic sculpture as a means of exploring abstraction, light and reflection. The exhibition will be presented until August 13.

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