Genesis Programs helps seniors overcome an invisible epidemic in Ventura County

Genesis Programs launched its outpatient substance misuse, specialty program, for those over the age of 60 on September 26th. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the Ventura Office location located at 1732 Palma Dr.

It’s common for a health care provider or a loved one to overlook the possibility of substance abuse in seniors. The difficulties with diagnosis (as well as social stigma) are instrumental in the staggering increase of substance abuse for adults aged 60 and older, particularly with the misuse of alcohol and prescription drugs.

Genesis is an intensive outpatient treatment provider, with a strong dedication to the community. With over two decades of experiences and a keen eye for those in need, Genesis takes the lead in providing treatment for substance misuse in older adults.

Genesis stated “Genesis Programs is a for profit, however we offer a huge sliding scale to fit all budgets, we help all who walk through our doors regardless of how much they make. Our goal with the new program “Genesis Over 60 Track) is to focus on helping seniors who are going un-treated and to bring more awareness to this growing epidemic in the US. We also partner with many non profits with the same vision, such as APF (Addiction Policy Forum).”

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