Vol. 11, No. 25 – Sept 12 – Sept 25, 2018 – Events

Events by Ana Baker

Ventura Poinsettia Dance Club Monday nights 7:30 – 9:45p.m. Poinsettia Pavilion. Ballroom, swing, Latin and line dancing. $10 members, $12 non-members. Dance lessons 6:45 – 7:15 $5 for couple $3 for single. Call Rick 415-8842 for more information.

There will be a regular Ventura Discussion Group meeting at Main Street Restaurant 3159 Main St., Wednesday from 4 – 5:45 p.m. Several people usually stay for a drink and a bite to eat afterward. Bring an interesting topic to discuss if you can.

Ventura’s ACBL Duplicate Bridge Club offers games for all levels of play.  Learn the game, play with your peers, and earn master points while you are having fun.  There is a game every day of the week.  Check out their website at www.vcbridge.org

Country Western Line Dancing every Tuesday 7 – 9 p.m. Instruction every night. Moose lodge, 10269 Telephone Road. More information at countrylovers.com.


Mended Hearts of Ventura. Come share if you have had heart surgery or stent implant. Group meets the first Tuesday each month at noon at Lemon Wood Mobile Homes, 850 Johnson Dr. Excellent speakers leading cardiologists, nutritionists, and dietitians etc.

Contact Richard Hatcher at 644-2733.

Cross Town Hikers join in on Wednesday nights for a moderate-paced hike that includes views of Ventura from the cross, a walk out to the end of the pier, and a stroll along the Promenade back to the Museum. Four miles with an 800-foot elevation gain. Meet at 7 p.m. sharp at the fountain across the street from the Mission. For more information: www.facebook.com/groups/800215670039426/

Ventura Investment Group meets on Mondays for an informal discussion of recent economic events.  Topics cover current events that affect stocks, funds, real estate, etc. 10 – 11:30 a.m. at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Telephone Road and Main Street.  Visitors and potential members are welcomed.

Ventura Retired Men’s Group at the Ventura Elk lodge at 11:30 a.m.  on the first or third Tuesday of the month. Stop in and introduce yourself for a complimentary lunch, interesting program, and a relaxing good time with your peers. Give Bob Likins a call at 805-587-1233 for details

Musicians’ Sober Support Meetup @ FIND (A Friend in Deed) every Monday night 6-9 p.m. Bring acoustic instrument(s) for jamming after sharing support for sobriety.

Bell Arts-Studio 39-432 Ventura Ave. For further information [email protected].

Are you a stamp collector? The Ventura County Philatelic Society meet on the first and third Mondays each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of the Foothills, 6279 Foothill Rd. Admission and parking are free. Come for a great evening. Contact: Bill Garner (805) 320-1601 or [email protected]

When a child dies, The Compassionate Friends (TCF) can help a family move forward through the grief journey. The Compassionate Friends provides a safe and supportive place where grieving parents, grandparents and siblings over age 16 can come speak openly about their child, express feelings about loss. Meeting twice a month, on the first and third Wednesday from 7-9 pm at the Poinsettia Pavilion.  Sept 19,Oct 3, Oct 17,Nov 6, Nov 21,Dec 5, Dec 19 For more information, contact Laura Lindsay, [email protected],

Sept.14: The General George S. Patton, Jr. Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
September luncheon meeting will feature the chapter’s annual awards program.
11:30 a.m. Friday in the Garden Room, Marie Callender’s Restaurant, 1295 S. Victoria Ave. All SAR & DAR Compatriots, friends, visitors are welcome to join us.  If you choose to join us for lunch, cost is $20 per person.  For additional information or for assistance in determining your possible Revolutionary War genealogical roots, call Bill Bays (805) 650-3036 or Robert Taylor (805)216-7992. For information regarding SAR membership and chapter activities, visit t http://pattonpatriots.org.

Sept. 14: Land & Sea Food Truck Feast Friday from 4-7 p.m. Located at the Leo Robbins Community Sailing Center Marina Park. Bring family and friends to Marina Park for a free picnic-style gathering. Take a family sailboat ride, 2-4 members with a center instructor for $10 and learn more about what the City of Ventura’s local sailing center has to offer you. Food trucks, kids’ activities, and more will be on hand to round out the evening.

Sept.15: The Los Padres Ski and Social Club will be participating in the Coastal Clean-up day on Saturday, from 9 am to noon. Meet at the entrance to Marina Park, on the corner of Pierpont and Greenock Lane. Join in on this worldwide coastal clean-up event and, in doing so, get to know some of the LPSC members. You might just decide to become a member yourself. Look for members wearing their black LPSC shirts.

The Coastal Clean-up organizers will provide some clean-up supplies. You should wear closed-toe shoes, have gloves and a bucket.  For more information http://www.vccoastcleanup.org/

Sept. 15: The Nature Conservancy is hosting the annual Coastal Cleanup Day in partnership with the Ventura County Coalition for Coastal & Inland Waterways. Ormond beach, 301 McWane Blvd, Oxnard from 9-12 p.m. TNC will provide clean up materials, bags, gloves, trash grabbers. Please wear durable shoes and sun protection. There are no facilities at this location. Must be 14 or older to volunteer. Please visit www.vccoastcleanup.org/our-sponsors for more details.

Sept. 15,16: The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers a two-day course, Boater Safety and Seamanship. This will qualify you for the California Boaters Card. Register by e-mail or contact:  Bill Wicks, [email protected] (805) 647-8786 (805) 320-6028

Station Channel Island Auxiliary Training Deck 4202 S. Victoria Ave. Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 -5:30 p.m. Course Cost: $60 (includes book)

Register by Saturday the 15th.

Sept. 16: The Ventura and Santa Barbara County chapter of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC) will meet Sunday, in the Campus Student Center of Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road. The regular meeting starts at noon and at 11a.m.  The program this month will be a presentation by Bill Robinson on “Early American Clocks”. Bill is a long-time collector of American clocks from the first part of the 19th centura..  $3 admission charge. Lunch is available for $5. Watches, clocks & tools will be on display and for sale. www.nawcc-ch190.com.

Sept. 18: Life Source Women’s Bible Study from 9 – 11:15 a.m. Community Presbyterian Church , 1555 Poli St. Every Tuesday morning following the school calendar.

Study  James by Beth Moore and Hosea by Jennifer Rothschild

Cost for two books and registration is $45.00. Scholarships and childcare available with prior notice. 805-648-2737 for more information or cpcventura.org

Sept.20: The regular monthly meeting of Assistance League of Ventura County will be on Thursday, at the Chapter House, 913 East Santa Clara Street. 10 a.m. Men and women are welcome, and there is no age requirement.

Assistance League is creating “A Brighter Tomorrow for Today’s Children” through several philanthropic programs. The Bargain Box Thrift Shop helps fund these programs. Find more information assistanceleagueventuracounty.org, email [email protected].
805-643-2458 Monday – Thursday 8 – 2 p.m.

Sept.22: Ormond beach and wetland hike hosted by The Nature Conservancy. Come visit Ormond beach with a naturalist and discover the flora and fauna of the wetland and beach habitat. See the endangered Snowy Plovers and beach comb on one of the least visited beaches in Ventura County. Meet at Ormond beach at the end of Arnold Rd 9-11a.m. Amy Davis at 770-853-4715 or [email protected].

Sept. 26: The College Area Community Council will meet on Wednesday, at 7 p.m.  Representatives from Ventura College and the police department will give brief updates and answer questions. The Council meets in the Wright Event Center at 57 Day Rd. Free parking is available adjacent to the Event Center.  collegeareacouncil.com/map or (805) 644-8695 for more information.

Sept.30: 8:30-10:30a.m.  Get out and go Adventure Hike hosted by The Nature Conservancy.   The Nature Conservancy has done a restoration here and the Santa Clara River may be still flowing a little.  Be prepared to get dirty and have an adventure. Durable hiking shoes, water, or walking stick. There are no facilities at this location. There is a gas station on the corner of 126 and Hallock Dr.  250 S Hallock Dr. Santa Paula, Amy Davis at 770-853-4715 or [email protected].

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