“A Rising Up” by writer with heart, Karen Leslie

There is a blanketed hush of humbleness that is spreading like wild fire, soothing away the raw edges of destruction in the residents of Ventura County. It is a thankfulness that goes beyond monetary things. A united force and breath of relief are now threaded in the tapestry of our lives. From lovingly handmade signs of thank you’s for the firemen and peace officers posted throughout our community to an underlying knowing we are not alone.

A song of hope and fortitude is the storyline in the life of a survivor. A kind of common denominator, that we made it through one of the most devastating fires in California history. The flames gobbled up land and homes yet our spirit of rebuilding and lives are not burned out but alive and kicking! With strength and courage as dust rags, we are cleaning off the dust of despair.

We are rising out of the ashes like phoenixes and a new rhythm and movement is taking place! The bonds of consciousness are lifting us up in sheer determination. A new crop of co-creation is watering the seeds of human potential with love. A new lush undergrowth of humanity is germinating and Heart-full-y our existence is being activated and ignited to live life like it matters.

With clarity, we are fanning the flames of oneness and understanding that each of us has the opportunity and choice to surf and ride the energy waves back home to our authentic ourselves.

Love is our lifeline!

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