Vol. 10, No. 3 – November 9 – November 22, 2016 – Professor Scamp PhD

Scamp-hs•  The Humane Society of Ventura County will hold its annual “Santa Paws” fund-raisers on Nov. 20 in Ventura and at the HSVC’s shelter in Ojai on Dec. 4, where pets – along with their families – can have their pictures taken with Santa.

Thanks to all of you who supported me in my run for president. Especially my brother Evin and sister Viv. Too bad that they are too young to vote because I only lost by one vote.
Thanks to all of you who supported me in my run for president. Especially my brother Evin and sister Viv. Too bad that they are too young to vote because I only lost by one vote.

The Ventura shoot will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ventura Beach Marriott. The event in Ojai on Dec. 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Ojai HSCV shelter is located at 405 Bryant St.

For a $25 donation, pet owners receive several professional photos on a compact disc that will be ready to take home the day of the event. Greg Cooper, a professional photographer, will shoot the pictures and Chuck Bowman will be  Santa.Those who do not have a pet can still bring their children to avoid long lines at the mall to see Santa.

The Ojai event will feature a Holiday Craft Fair where local artists and crafts people will have one-of-a kind gifts.

The Humane Society of Ventura County does not receive federal, state or local tax dollars to operate and relies solely on private donations.

•  Today (recently)may have been just a normal day for you, but at Ventura County Animal Services we hit a major milestone. Today we celebrated 1,000 days of No-Kill. But after implementing so many innovative programs and projects to help keep our numbers at bay, we’re only at 91.5% Live Release Rate!

We need your help to sustain no kill. So far we’ve saved 217 animals through Social Media alone. You can help save lives by following, liking, commenting and sharing our stories on www.facebook.com/VCAnimalServices, https://twitter.com/VCAnimalService, https://www.instagram.com/VCAnimalServices/.

VCAS would like to show its appreciation to the Ventura County community by offering $20.00(does not include a possible $20 license fee) Pet Adoption fees for all Dogs and Cats until the end of November!

With Much Appreciation,
Randy Friedman, Marketing Manager, Ventura County Animal Services
388-4252 | www.vcas.us

•  by Victoria Usher

There is a large expanse of beach that runs between Newport Beach and Huntington Beach where many dog buddies have always taken their pets when they want to get some exercise and enjoy the beach.

Recently some nearby residents have started to complain about them  not picking up waste and too many pets being off their leashes. All of the continuous complaining caused Newport officials to get involved and ask the city staff to talk about the issue and consider their options.

If you walk through this specific area of Newport Beach you’re usually able to see a fair amount of dogs without their leashes on and they’re usually playing around and having a good time with their owners watching them in a safe, fun, and also open environment.

The city ended up organizing an online survey on social media; the online survey contained a question about this particular issue. Out of the 266 people who participated in the online survey, 226 said that the city should not have anyone patrol the beach and that everything should stay as it is. There are very few places to take your dog in the Newport Beach area other than this special gem, it shouldn’t be taken away from the residents.



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