Ventura, make your voice heard.  Your vote counts

by Antoinette Mann, Ventura City Clerk

Voting is one of the most fundamental rights of our democracy.  There is no greater right than the right to vote and no better way to participate in shaping the future of our city than by voting.

Ventura voters have four municipal measures on the November 8th ballot, Measures “N”, “O”, “P” and “Q.” In addition, there are three City Councilmember seats up for election.  Voters can learn more about these measures by visiting

Early voting has already begun, in fact 50% of the 62,170 registered voters in Ventura are designated Vote-by-Mail voters.  Increasing voter participation strengthens our democracy and ensures residents’ voices are heard.

In 2013, 27% of Ventura’s registered voters participated in the electoral process while in 2014, 48% participated.  The higher participation rate in 2014 was due to the election being held in conjunction with County, State, and Federal elections.

In November 2014, Ventura voters approved Measure D, amending the City Charter to provide regular elections in November of even-numbered years instead of odd-numbered years (aligning City elections with the elections of State and Federal legislators and officials) to increase voter turnout and decrease election costs.

This year, the City   is anticipating at least 50% of Ventura voters to exercise their democratic right on November 8.  Do your part, study the issues and complete your ballot .

Are you a Vote-by-Mail voter?  If so, you can drop off your completed Vote-by-Mail envelope at Ventura City Hall, in the City Clerk’s Office (501 Poli Street, Room 204) or at the County of Ventura’s 24-hour ballot box located in front of the Hall of Administration (800 S. Victoria Avenue).   Additionally, you can drop off your sealed ballot envelope at any polling place on November 8.

If you are mailing your ballot, ensure it is postmarked no later than November 8 and place the correct amount of postage on the envelope – two First Class stamps.  The last day to request your Vote-by-Mail ballot is November 1 for the November 8 election, so don’t delay.

Do you prefer to cast your ballot in person on Election Day?   Polling places are listed on the back of your sample ballot.  You can also visit the Ventura County Elections Division webpage to locate your polling place at    Please note that polling locations are adjusted periodically.  Polls close at 8 p.m. but if you are in line and its 8p.m., the polling place will remain open so you can vote.

Once the voting period ends, you can view real-time election night results on the new official app from the Ventura County Elections Division.  In addition to providing election results you can verify your polling place and even check the status of your Vote-by-Mail ballot.  The easy to download app is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play – search for Ventura County Elections.

If you have any questions or need assistance with voter information, please call the City of Ventura City Clerk’s Office at  658-4787 or the County’s Election Division at  654-2664.

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