Town Hall Meeting  for Our County, Our Kids

As a foster parent, families can become a link in a lifelong chain. Loving homes can provide the unconditional healing, support and guidance that can help a child and siblings thrive and grow as every child needs. With over 1,000 youth still in need in Ventura County, foster youth from birth to teens especially need a loving parent who will support them as if they were their own.

On Saturday, Jan. 23 from 9-11 a.m., Foster VC Kids, a division of Ventura County Children and Family Services, will host a Town Hall Meeting in which aspiring families can learn more about what it takes and how amazing it is to become a home for VC foster children.

“Our own youth are inspiring us on the radio, at panels and especially at this very special Town Hall meeting, in which we will hear from those involved in foster care who will address and hopefully inspire the need for more quality homes as resources for our youth,” says Elizabeth Thasiah of Foster VC Kids.

Joining the event and showing their support will be Supervisor Steve Bennett – a huge advocate supporting foster care. “One of the great drawbacks to this process has been the lack of awareness and information available to educate potential parents on why they should consider this inspirational avocation – helping children in need,” explained Bennett. “This is your chance to find out how meaningful it is to open your life to a child and family.”

Other outreach includes the VC Fire Department, police/sheriff and health care industries, faith communities and current foster families. In addition, Foster VC Kids is inviting local FFA’s (foster family agencies), Casa Pacifica and experts of foster care to answer any questions. It’s an event for all, and Foster VC Kids is encouraging the county to spread the word to bring awareness to this important event.

Help Foster VC Kids in our mission to find more Homes with Heart.

Join us for an Informative Town Hall Meeting. Bringing together local citizens, community leaders, educators and County employees to talk about innovative ways to uplift our local youth.

Ventura County Human Service Agency

855 Partridge Drive, Ventura



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