My favorite go to beach

youth IreneIrene  has surfed multiple beaches but Ventura is her favorite.
Photo by Rich Clark

My favorite go to beach
by Irene Chiang,16

Ventura beach is my absolute favorite go-to beach. I was coming back from a stressful commercial shoot for a collaboration with Citibank one day and decided to stop by Ventura to relax. I saw a group of people surfing, and realized that surfing is just what I needed. I immediately bought a board and taught myself how to surf, with the help of Ventura’s friendly surfers and the easygoing waves. The sightings of dolphins and seals are a big plus, too.

Ever since then, I have surfed multiple beaches, but there is just something different about Ventura. The water, the waves, how free the endless ocean makes me feel. The feel of Ventura just magically makes all my stress fade away.

Even if you just sit on the pier and listen to the waves, you can immediately feel your emotions being leveled with the waves. Ventura is my therapist, and there is no other place I would rather be.

This isn’t the first time I have made a spontaneous decision, I am always looking for new opportunities and something different to do with my life. Recently moving from South Carolina to California, I have completed so much on my bucket list! Thanks to Ventura, surfing was the first to go. When I was 13, I took a bus to New York with my then-14 year old friend during Christmas. We jumped right in and performed at in an underground show at the metro station in front of hundreds of people. I felt a rush of confidence that I have never felt before, and ever since then, I have been determined to make spontaneous decisions.

Shortly after New York, a feeling inside of me told me to go to Australia. I immediately booked a plane, and flew out with my mom. Within a few days, we had kayaked through caves, swam under waterfalls, and had a cute little sleep over with baby koalas in a sanctuary. I have a travel journal in my room, which I am constantly filling out. Experiencing something new has always been a hobby of mine, and it is something I strongly feel dedicated and passionate about.

I have always had a fear of being in the middle of the ocean, but now that I have conquered one of my fears, I am determined to push myself even further. The feeling of accomplishment is unexplainable and amazing.

My next adventures consists of getting over my ultimate fear; heights. Being a person that is even terrified of escalators, I am now set out to go skydiving, zip lining, bungee jumping, and climbing an active volcano for my next adventures. Just thinking about all those activities makes me shake, but I am positive that this is what I want.

There are so many opportunities out there for you to discover yourself and what you love to do, and I highly recommend pushing yourself to your limits.

To keep up with me on my adventures, you can find me on Instagram @not.irene, and a big thanks to Sheldon for having me in the Ventura Breeze!


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