Vol. 8, No. 24 – September 2 – September 15, 2015 – Professor Scamp

scamp fosterEnjoying themselves at the FelixNFido adoption event were “Paws For Reading” dogs Suzie, Jane Middleton, Library Technician II (not a dog), Doug, Herbie,  Murphy  and Ricky


scamp pugsBruno and Molly of Central Coast Pug Rescue are going home with Bob and Christina Thompson of Thousand Oaks after being adopted at FelixNFido event.


scamp kiarraKiarra was adopted  from CABODOGZ by  Nathan Celusta, of Newbury Park, and  his son Jasper at FelixNFido event.


scamp Radar:

Dear Dr. Scamp:

Through the mysteries of the ether, I have been informed of your views on the virtues of pet adoption, and I write to tell you how right you are.

I was one of a litter of expectant Labradors born about 11 years ago.  Through no faults of my own, I spent several years in grubby shelters, until I was rescued by an elderly gentleman who was attracted to my good looks and because he was familiar with labs, recognizing my potentialities.

We spent 7 years together before my age overtook me.  I’ll tell you about the best years of my life.

Like most labs I was trained to hunt birds, particularly quail and ducks, the former because I had such a good nose and the latter because I love the water.  In Mexico, I could locate a covey of quail by smelling them, when my boss could neither see them of hear them.  In the San Joaquin Valley I would wait patiently beside my boss in the blind, and, when the gun went off, I would follow the flight of the dead bird into the cold water and bring it back, gently putting it in my boss’ hand.

Although bird hunting was my first love, I loved being at home where it was warm and comfortable.  I was my boss’ No. 1 pal.  We would go for long walks, and I would see other dogs, not labs, and I would say to myself, “Humph! You don’t know the good life!”  I would see doves and quail and an occasional duck and bark, “It’s not the season.  Just wait!”

Well, toward the end I broke the ACL in my knee, and I could not walk very well or far.  My energy flagged, and I found it hard to get up in the morning.  I still tried to please my boss, and I wagged my tail every time he looked at me.  But I just gave up and died in the hands of my friendly vet.

To let you know what a good hunting dog looks like I also sent you my picture.

Sincerely, Radar Spaulding



I want to give a big woof woof to all of the wonderful vendors and attendees at the at the Third Annual Felix n’ Fido Bring Me Home Adoption Festival, held at the Ventura Harbor Village main lawn. The entire event was about adoption and rescue of our homeless pets. A special thanks to Lightning Ridge Screen Printing for donating the printed shirts.

It was presented by CABODOGZ, me and the Ventura Breeze and  was a wonderful event that included music, pet artists and many dog adoption agencies, vendors selling pet items and of course the emceed Red Carpet Walk for all adoptees. I have included pictures of a few of the dogs that were adopted.


Wednesday, Aug. 26 was National Dog Appreciation Day.

And Californian’s certainly do appreciate us dogs. California has been ranked the #1 most “Dog Happy” U.S. state, according to the Milo’s Kitchen ‘Dog Happy’ Survey.

To create this national doggy appreciation ranking, Milo’s Kitchen brand dog treats surveyed 3,000 dog parents to determine how regularly they engage in thankful, grateful, and loving behaviors with their dogs.

The top 25 most ‘dog happy’ U.S. states

  1. California
  2. New York
  3. Washington
  4. Tennessee
  5. Florida

86% of dog parents say their dog “comforts them immeasurably”
71% say their dog “reminds them to seek out more joy in life”
64% say their dog “makes them look forward to going home more than anything else”
63% say their dogs “make them much more patient and responsible”

And 100% of dogs say their lives are richer when they live in a loving home (My own survey results)


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